Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop


Apr 8, 2018
An older guy today was telling a younger guy some tips about shooting, a couple of which made me laugh. It made me think there have to be others that can be shared.

"Every new gun I get I clean it thoroughly, then I polish the barrel. The polishing takes a couple of hours and gets all of the micro burrs out of the barrel. If you have a spare couple of hours, you are welcome to come over and watch." Then he volunteered that when doing it, he always felt like he was giving the rifle a h*** job.

Maybe this suggestion has more merit? "Clean your gun very frequently, but never go out hunting with an absolutely clean rifle."
I’ll run a dry patch down the barrel after doing a visual inspection. If it shoots, I leave it alone until accuracy degrades (I shoot groups with the rifle annually). Once it degrades I’ll clean the barrel. There is a lot of old school ‘knowledge’ regarding barrel cleaning - most of it has been disproven. The Marine Corps changed its thoughts on this quite a while back as well.
I've heard just about everything but recently overheard a conversation between a sales associate at the gun counter and customer. The customer was looking at a AR chambered in 223. He asked the sales associate if he could shoot .300 BO out of the rifle as well as .223 and 5.56. The associate assured him he could, he just needed to get the 300 BO specific mags which he then showed him. When the associate went off to get something else I approached the guy and asked him please do not shoot 300 BO through that gun, they aren't interchangeable, and suggested leaving and doing business somewhere else.

Most of the time I laugh at these gun shop conversations and don't engage, but when it could end in someone getting seriously injured, feel like there is an obligation
When I was pretty young, I had an old buck gunsmith tell me about a "1 ragged hole" 10 shot group he shot at 500 yards when he was my age.

He said he couldn't believe how good he was shooting. Then He pointed to the target and said look right there. I framed it because it was such a great group. I was young and very proud of myself.

I said ya.... a 10 shot group like that at 500 yards is better than I can shoot at 100 yards.

He said, "I was so proud of myself, when I got back to the bench, I picked my rifle up to give it a kiss and my scope fell off and landed on the ground at my feet......So don't believe everything you hear son because I don't know where the other 9 bullets went that day....."

I always remember that story. lol
I've heard just about everything but recently overheard a conversation between a sales associate at the gun counter and customer. The customer was looking at a AR chambered in 223. He asked the sales associate if he could shoot .300 BO out of the rifle as well as .223 and 5.56. The associate assured him he could, he just needed to get the 300 BO specific mags which he then showed him. When the associate went off to get something else I approached the guy and asked him please do not shoot 300 BO through that gun, they aren't interchangeable, and suggested leaving and doing business somewhere else.

Most of the time I laugh at these gun shop conversations and don't engage, but when it could end in someone getting seriously injured, feel like there is an obligation
I believe you saved yourself from a lengthy deposition, haha. Unreal!
One of the RO's where I shoot sometimes will without fail ask me every time I'm there "What ya shooting?" while screaming with his muffs on- followed by interrupting me before I can finish to tell me about is finger of god 6.5 SHORT ACTION ULTRA MAG with a Pacnor barrel, because regular people don't know what SAUM stands for. Ryan and Jake should have this guy on S2H sometime- he has seen it all.
One of the RO's where I shoot sometimes will without fail ask me every time I'm there "What ya shooting?" while screaming with his muffs on- followed by interrupting me before I can finish to tell me about is finger of god 6.5 SHORT ACTION ULTRA MAG with a Pacnor barrel, because regular people don't know what SAUM stands for. Ryan and Jake should have this guy on S2H sometime- he has seen it all.
I had no idea what saum stood for! Now I know.

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Good night…..

I worked part time behind a gun counter for a few years for extra $$$ in the early 00’s when the AR ban was lifted, WSSM’s were still a thing, 300wm was the only acceptable elk gun, etc…. The things I heard, most wouldn’t believe if repeated. I’m thankful now YouTube and instagram weren’t around.
Range last week I heard an old guy tell another old guy he was likely missing at 300yds because he wasn’t accounting for spindrift.
Which flavor?

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I was at an outdoor range shooting pistols with the girl I was dating at the time, and the RO came over and asked if he could try a shot. We were shooting a Texas CHL target, which has very generous scoring zones, and a little mini silhouette on the top corner breaking down the point of each zone for an official test.

The RO asked my date if she though he could hit the tiny silhouette, then he proceeded to miss off the right edge, set the gun down, and said, "your gun shoots a little to the right."

I picked it up, center punched the same tiny silhouette, turned to him, and informed him it shot fine for me. He left us alone after that.

If I'd been as much of an ass as I am today, I'd have told him to pay less attention to the one college girl at the range, and more attention to the jackass who unloaded his pistol by dropping the mag and shooting the chambered round into the dirt.....