I prefer the no wax method, zero, zip, nada and none are my favorite brands. I personally think wax hurts the strings more than they help. Dirt, dust small debris stick to it and work their way into the fibers and can damage the fibers. I don’t see any benefit to using it. That’s just my opinion.
I prefer the no wax method, zero, zip, nada and none are my favorite brands. I personally think wax hurts the strings more than they help. Dirt, dust small debris stick to it and work their way into the fibers and can damage the fibers. I don’t see any benefit to using it. That’s just my opinion.
For hunting bows, you may try betting some 7 thousandths clear halo and serving all the areas of your strings and cables already not served, minus the the upper portion of your string where your peep is. This will mountain proof your string for durability.
I’ve really been considering having my next set fully served. Some of the new bows hardly have any fibers exposed in the first place.
Have you ever done this? Think it would hurt anything besides maybe a slight amount of speed?