Strange Thing Found in the Woods...


Jul 31, 2014
Tried searching for one of those "weird things you've found in the woods" threads to post this in, but the only ones I found were a couple years old. So here ya go.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but i'll give a little context as to the location we found it. It's maybe .5 mile from the nearest place to park a vehicle. Not super close to a major trail. But definitely not totally off the beaten path either. You have to cross a stream to access the area, but it's still a relatively popular place to forage for mushrooms as I've picked up a few of those folks on my game cameras. Anyways, any ideas what in the world this is? All I could think when I walked up was "that's some blair witch sh** right there"



i'm not sure how to fix the pictures, they are right side up on my computer but show up sideways and upside down when I post :confused:
With the exception of the large branches, it looks a bit like the largest red squirrel midden I have ever seen.

Dig into it and see if there is a body. :)
Giant ant hill? The strategically placed sticks are weird.

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Definitely looked like a GIANT midden pile, the sticks were the thing that got me. Just strange....And then I sent my buddy the pics and he pointed out that the sticks spell out "HAM". Not sure if that was by design or thinking to much about it. I even looked around the general vicinity for trail cameras as I figured someone was screwing with me.
Fenn's treasure buried below?

I hunt on Fort Knox here in KY and always coming across old stuff. Found old crusty blanks and clips that were used with M-1 Garand rifles. They were all located in small areas where you could see where some soldiers (WWII-Korean War era) were defending a hill from an attacking force. I was able to locate most of the defensive line by finding small piles of spent brass (blank ammo).

Another day, I found an old Korean/Vietnam era military ambulance in the middle of the woods not near any roads.
I found a truck toolbox that had been stolen and unloaded on our hunting property. It was full of tools but i didn’t open it. I figured as soon as I did it would have a dead body in it. The Sheriff’s dept came and picked it up.

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A big hole in the ground when I was quail hunting here in the desert SE of Phoenix a while back.....definitely man made. It was in an area that I've been hunting in for 8+ years. I've never seen anyone out here. It's in the absolute middle of nowhere and a good 2 mile hike from any accessible road. A bit spooky.


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Tried searching for one of those "weird things you've found in the woods" threads to post this in, but the only ones I found were a couple years old. So here ya go.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but i'll give a little context as to the location we found it. It's maybe .5 mile from the nearest place to park a vehicle. Not super close to a major trail. But definitely not totally off the beaten path either. You have to cross a stream to access the area, but it's still a relatively popular place to forage for mushrooms as I've picked up a few of those folks on my game cameras. Anyways, any ideas what in the world this is? All I could think when I walked up was "that's some blair witch sh** right there"

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There you go.

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A big hole in the ground when I was quail hunting here in the desert SE of Phoenix a while back.....definitely man made. It was in an area that I've been hunting in for 8+ years. I've never seen anyone out here. It's in the absolute middle of nowhere and a good 2 mile hike from any accessible road. A bit spooky.

Were those piles of rocks on it or near it? If the rocks were around this hole, it could possibly be somebody looking for a section corner. Corners were often buried about 6-12" deep under a stone mound.
Were those piles of rocks on it or near it? If the rocks were around this hole, it could possibly be somebody looking for a section corner. Corners were often buried about 6-12" deep under a stone mound.

Right next to it. Could be I suppose, this was on State Trust land.