Strange sounds in Crazy Mountains, Montana

The Crazy Mtns aren’t too far from where @Paul Ness saw the Sasquatch last year.

The description of the sound is consistent with most of the Sasquatch vocalizations that I heard growing up in the Cabinets as well.
I have now slept over 20 nights in the exact area he claims he saw the squatch. I still have yet to see him. Probably have over 100 hours glassing that area, still no squatch. No sign of him....

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Sasquatch bugle for sure
That’s what one of my friends said and shared a clip of it. It sounded exactly like the video he shared, but I’m wondering if it was just someone playing a joke?

In any event, I’ve decided to camp out in the area this weekend. I’m bringing trail cams, a good audio setup, a camera, and a thermal optic (don’t worry, I’m not archery hunting so don’t @ me). I simply want to see if I can hear it again and capture the audio so I can share with y’all.
Hey everyone, long time lurker, first time poster here.

I’d like to preface this by saying I’m not the superstitious type, just an inquisitive mind looking for some guidance.

I’m trying to identify some sounds I heard while scouting for elk on the evening of 9/22/24. I was on the northwest side of the mountains. The forest was alive with the typical sounds of birds etc, and out of the blue I hear a series of sounds that I am entirely unfamiliar with. The best way I could describe them would be a set of low to high pitched “whooping” or sort of a “honk” sound. The thing that was strange, is that It was absolutely monstrous, like it sounded like it was happening everywhere around me. This happened for about 10 ish seconds maybe, and after that the forest went dead silent.

I’ve been around the mountains a lot, grew up the same as I’m sure you all have with hunting, fly fishing, backpacking etc, and have spent a lot of time around livestock as well. Ive never heard anything like it in my life, and I can tell you it sent shivers down my spine. I can say for certain that it was not a bird (unless it was some type of pterodactyl brought back from the dead).

I intend to return to the area and explore if I can determine what the cause was the following weekend, but I was just curious if any of you have experienced something similar, or if you have any idea as to the nature of the sounds. I’ll try to record the sound (and maybe catch some footage) of what I find.
Me get want to lay off the mushrooms. 😀

Seriously, could you describe it better?
It sounded exactly like the first part of this clip, the “whooping” sound.

That first clip sounds like owls to me. The do make more than just the hoohoo noise

I walked by some owls in the middle of a gangbang of some sort at first light. The noises they were making were just spooky until I saw them
I posted my first response after reading only the opening post. I read the thread until I came across the creepy back country experiences comment.

I commented on that thread about not being a sissy. I got hammered for being a low brow prick.

Not long after that I was in the backcountry solo. Not far out. Maybe 5 miles. It was about 10 at night. I was in no man’s land. Out but still aware of things.

I think I heard it three times before realizing I was coming too. That last time is was a person screaming. It had gotten a lot closer too.

I didn’t panic. It didn’t scare me. But, it did convince me to roll out of my hammock into my crocs. Get my pistol and locate myself out of site to anyone who didn’t know I was there. I got behind a big knotted knee hemlock stump with my 9mm and my headlamp, and watched my camp.

All the time this screaming is getting closer. Man, this was happening fast as that last scream was only 100 or so yards away. It was appearing whatever it was making that noise was going to come by my setup about 25-30 yards from camp on the opposite side I was hunkered down on.

It turned out to come closer. I’d be lying at this point if I told you it didn’t have my undivided attention. I was growing mildly concerned and increasing that with every breath.

The next holler was just outside my camp. It was too thick to turn the light on until whatever it was came out in the small opening I’d put my hammock camp in.

Wait, I hear it in the leaves!!!!! Boy’s, I was pretty primed up. Whatever it was came right down the brush line I was hiding in. It passed by within 20 feet. Bear in mind I’m in a fir and hemlock stand with super thick understory of what we call “ground pine”. I couldn’t see 2 feet much less 20. And, to this day I still don’t know what it was. Never saw it. As far as I know, it’s still trotting through the woods screaming.

Had I been somewhere except 5 miles from the nearest road, it sounds like a person by description. It wasn’t. Whatever it was, it was small. Really small.

I got back in my hammock and it only took reminding myself 3000 times that it was definitely a small animal. I went back to sleep.

Anyways, I researched the heck out of it and after hearing recordings I think it was a fox. And, looking back I kept praying that whatever it was, that it would go by on the other side. But, I’m glad it didn’t. I’d never got close enough to tell it was a small 4 legged animal by the noise it made in the leaves. And, that certainly would have made it a different experience.
Ever read about Aaron Hodges? Some weird stuff happens on that side of the crazies
I looked into that after watching the 411 documentary. It seems as though he had a history of issues with heroin and that he may have relapsed right before the trip and that might have played a part in whatever happened to him.

Still very strange sequence of events.

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That first clip sounds like owls to me. The do make more than just the hoohoo noise

I walked by some owls in the middle of a gangbang of some sort at first light. The noises they were making were just spooky until I saw them
There were 6 of us in a wall tent deer hunting. It was about 15 years ago. We weren’t in the back country by any means but, we were in rural America, camped on 3500 acres of private land. We had our quads.

About 3 in the morning, I woke up. I was laying there listening to the sounds of deer camp at 3am with 5 other hunters sleeping.

Out of no where, right outside the tent beside me, a howl/scream cut loose. It hollered for about 4-5 seconds. I instantly realized it was an owl. And, he had to be setting on one on the quads.

Anyways, when it stopped hollering the first time, that tent was SILENT. Not a heavy breath, a rumble of snore. Nothing. Everyone had woke up and everyone was intently listening. It did it again.

The toughest human I’ve ever met was in that tent. This guy was a brute on top of that. Big, broad, and zero fat. He was a logger. And looked the part too. But, he had never heard that before.

He about half hollered out “wtf is that?!!!!” I answered him it was an owl. That thing hollered again but went straight into the who cooks for you routine. We got a good laugh out of it when we got up that morning.
Thank you for sharing this link with us, it’s not much but it’s honest work.
Honest work yes. The obvious theory is always Sasquatch, but I proposed a solid Jon Holmes scenario as well. @Geewhiz appears to be the only other demented f-ck on here that appreciates porn nastalgia. The Holmes theory is sound.

And yes, the good ole Paul Ness thread. That female Squatch I said I saw in 95… she was legit.
The parks I was hunting last week had sandhill cranes in them as well. Made a hell of a racket.
2 times last week I heard a loud crashing sound, almost sounded like a single clash of big critters with antlers, but no follow up sounds. Different days, different sides of the same park. I'd almost guess I spooked something and it blew through a downed tree or something, but there was no follow up, just one sound, which was the weird part. My final conclusion is it was big dead trees coming down, as there were a ton of widow makers in the area.
Ever read about Aaron Hodges? Some weird stuff happens on that side of the crazies
There were 6 of us in a wall tent deer hunting. It was about 15 years ago. We weren’t in the back country by any means but, we were in rural America, camped on 3500 acres of private land. We had our quads.

About 3 in the morning, I woke up. I was laying there listening to the sounds of deer camp at 3am with 5 other hunters sleeping.

Out of no where, right outside the tent beside me, a howl/scream cut loose. It hollered for about 4-5 seconds. I instantly realized it was an owl. And, he had to be setting on one on the quads.

Anyways, when it stopped hollering the first time, that tent was SILENT. Not a heavy breath, a rumble of snore. Nothing. Everyone had woke up and everyone was intently listening. It did it again.

The toughest human I’ve ever met was in that tent. This guy was a brute on top of that. Big, broad, and zero fat. He was a logger. And looked the part too. But, he had never heard that before.

He about half hollered out “wtf is that?!!!!” I answered him it was an owl. That thing hollered again but went straight into the who cooks for you routine. We got a good laugh out of it when we got up that morning.
thank you for sharing this hahaha, love it!
Every night at camp we had a pair of owls above camp. My guess is they were looking for nice stealing people's food.

Listen to some owl sounds of the area you're in.
Listen to sounds of mountain lion vocalization especially the chirps and hoots. It is early for them to be making breeding vocals but it could have been a female calling to her kits. Lots of cats in the Crazies!

Squatch-akabra: half squatch, half chupakabra. The offspring can't reproduce, but they can make a racket at night... only at night.

That part of the crazies gets hammered, you see many grouse?