Still good people out there.

Aug 16, 2017
Long story short-ish, my buddy and I took his kid out elk hunting for a last weekend Hail Mary. It’s About a 3-1/2 hour drive for us and we took 2 rigs to split up and cover country. I found some elk that looked content in a little saddle. I confirmed they were on public land and went to meet up with my buddy. About 30 minutes later we returned and found a vehicle at the trail head with two hunters about 15 minutes ahead of us heading towards the elk. We figured SHIT! Well we’re here let’s go up a different drainage in case they bump towards us. We hike up to the adjacent saddle and find the elk still in there beds. We set up for a 530 yard shot but hold off because we knew those other guys were somewhere over there. Sure enough about 2 minutes go by and the elk start looking down hill then get up and walk over the ridge. CRAP, well let’s side hill over there and take a peek. We’re about 1/2 way over and the other hunters appear right where I thought they might. They bumped the elk then head to the top to look over. We watch as they are again about 5 minutes in front us. Turns out it’s a kid and dad. The dad peeks over and raises his rifle then brings it down and sits there. “We’re here let’s go see what’s going on”. We get over to them and start a whisper conversation. The elk just bumped into the next draw and were just milling around. The dad says “they’re right down there we were waiting for you guys to get over here”. His kid had already killed an elk and he was just after a cow. Not too worried about it he graciously let my buddies kid take first shot and hopped to get a double. Well it worked out for us but the elk didn’t give him a shot. They left in a hurry. He wasn’t the least bit mad or anything. He was genuinely happy with my buddies kids success.

Sure is nice to run into guys like that on the mountain.
That guy was special. But I honestly feel a majority of people are good at heart. Bad apples get most of the attention so we act defensive to others expecting the worst. There are threads all over with the gun writer I wont name, but this type of story doesnt get shared enough. Thanks for sharing it. Congratulations.
I killed a bull 2 years ago. When I was looking for it I heard a shot. I bump into a kid who asked what I was looking for and I told him. He was super excited because he shot one too. I double lunged the bull.....he shot the same bull "laying in his bed"....oddly enough the bull was shot two times, through the lungs and in the bottom of the chest and out the spine.

I helped him get it out and congratulated him. He seemed to sense the awkwardness....but I really missed being that stoked to tag an elk.

Luckily I killed another one after that so we all won.
Watch the news or not how many times do you run into a holes in the woods? It’s definitely more common nowadays. The “me first and only” mindset runs in a lot of hunters.
A lot of good people in the woods. Some get consumed with the thought of game especially elk and turn it into combat hunting. Good on him and you to talk out the situation and enjoy the mountains