Started a new workout today


Jun 7, 2012
Left Coast - CA
So last time I was at Barnes and Noble I picked up a new workout. The book is called Special Ops Fitness Training.

Started the workout today. OMG....kicked my rear! :o. Great workout though. High intensity and lots of calisthenics. No weights at all so it's easy to do home.

Pretty sure after this workout all year I'll be in the best shape of my life and be more than prepared for the tough mudder in June.
It took about an hour. Most workouts are max reps, and then 75% of last set 3 times.

It's a full body workout plus about 15 minutes of stretching. All you need is a pull up and dip bar.
Im sure its a great workout but i would add in some weights weather for lifts, squats, or core. Your cardio and lungs might get in great shape but your bulk strength will have room to improve. You add some core movements with weights with that workout it sounds like its similar to crossfit. In 2.5 months of doing crossfit 6 days a week ive greatly increased every aspect of my conditioning and feel great. Just my .02
May have to add some weights at some point. Right now I'm just looking to lean up some, not trying to add bulk by any means.

In a nutshell, the workout has you doing 3 styles of pull-ups, dips, 4 styles of push-ups, lunges and other leg workouts, and several different abdominal workouts. It also calls for a 50 lb rucksack march for 6 miles. However I'm going to do some running and hiking hills with my pack for that part.
Sounds like good stuff! Good luck and keep us posted.

Also keep in mind weights dont always equal bulk. Im training with some decent weight, actually probably the heaviest ive trained with and its hardening my muscles and leaning me out. You do a few sets of only a couple reps of heavy weight ya you gain bulk but if you do sets and reps of the weight to failure (safely) with other cardio, core, and flexibility movements you will get to be as hard as woodpecker lips. Gotta diet and eat well too.... Thats my cruch haha...
Ha! I hear ya on the dieting. That's the hardest part with my work travel. At home it's easy. Best thing so far was no more beer. That helped a ton.

Gotcha on the weights. Possibly some kettle balls would be good along with some basic weight stuff I can put in my basement. I'll have to take a look and see what I can find.
If it is the one by Stu Smith, he is good people. I have several of his books and have corresponded with him online several times.
