Spotting scope may not be best choice for me...back to Binos


Feb 1, 2019
Just picked up a Vortex Razor 27 60X 85 Great scope, mechanically and aesthetically perfect. Looking through this, it just doesn't have the clarity that I was hoping for. Not hazy but not piercing clarity like my Meopta meostars.

Very possibly selling this scope soon.
May 10, 2017
At some point the clarity becomes enough of more than is needed to adequately spot game. The Razor should be plenty good for its intended uses. If you want top of the line clarity, you’ll need to get a Kowa, Swaro or other top of the line spotter. Some people just don’t like looking through spotting scopes too. There’s no right answer. 15x binos are well loved for a reason.


Jan 2, 2016
One thing to keep in mind on Spotting scopes or any other magnified optic from what I have found......The higher power that you use, the less clear it will be. This is due to heat waves, wind/dust, temperature, humidity, light angle, ect , that the magnification will pick up. Using higher power early in the morning or late at night when the enviroment is more still will help in using higher power.

I have found that if I stay around 30X or a bit more, I am very clear. I have Vortex Viper 20-60X80. My friend I hunt with has Swaro wide angle. The Swaro is a bit more clear then the Viper, but for my budget the Viper will work.

I still use my Binos pretty extensively to find animals. If the animal is too far away to tell what the antlers look like, or how many tines ect, then I go to the spotter. I dont use my spotter as a replacement for my binos.

I also have found that if I focus first at a lower power and gradually turn up the power and focus as I move the power up. The clarity seems to be better. One downfall I have is wearing contacts and they dry out quicker using the Spotter then using my binos. Not sure if its eye strain or air movement between the spotting scope and my eye.