Spot and stalk mountain lion


Oct 7, 2020
I see tracks in so cal a lot in my back counrty. my partner saw one this year in the los padres. Very hard to find.
Feb 19, 2023
I am looking for an opportunity to spot and stalk a mountain lion at some point in my life. I don't want to use dogs, so I realize the low odds of this happening. I think that the best way to get such an opportunity is to maybe get lucky during elk or deer season, or bear season for that matter.

So my question is, where do you guys suppose one could have the best odds of seeing a lion, in a state that allows it, obviously. Are there any deer or elk units that you guys may know of with high lion populations? Have you seen lions while hunting? I live in California and the only time I've ever seen one is at night while driving. I was thinking that Nevada may be a good option, being that the desert makes for good glassing opportunities. 🤷‍♂️

All ideas welcome!
If I had to make a recommendation I'd go with AZ or ID both have probably some of the most liberal Lion seasons and they each have a tone of lions with good glassing country. I have glasses and actually called lions in both and as a bonus you can throw wolves in the mix in ID.


Apr 25, 2021
I’ve seen plenty of tracks around Utah, but i’ve never actually seen one. The last two years theirs been 2 charges caught on video and one lady was bitten in SLC this year. All 3 were on popular hiking trails.
There are certainly more Lion sightings/conflicts around the wasatch front the last couple years. Maybe a combo of more people all around the trails and more lions around? Utah offers spot and stalk tags. But those cats can be ghosts.


Jan 5, 2021
I live on Northern Idaho and kill a cat most years. Often when hunting deer or elk I see them. If I find a fresh kill I'll set up a blind. Occasionally while calling coyotes a cat will come in. If you find a fresh track in the snow you may be able to kill one. There's plenty around, but with the wolves around it's a different dynamic. A pack of wolves will kill or chase a cat. Wish you good luck.


Mar 20, 2023
North Phoenix AZ
Here in AZ sometimes that happens luckily, when glassing for deer or elk people see a cat sunbathing.

That's a needle in a haystack. best best besides is befriending a rancher. either way you could probably spend a lifetime not finding one
I live on Northern Idaho and kill a cat most years. Often when hunting deer or elk I see them. If I find a fresh kill I'll set up a blind. Occasionally while calling coyotes a cat will come in. If you find a fresh track in the snow you may be able to kill one. There's plenty around, but with the wolves around it's a different dynamic. A pack of wolves will kill or chase a cat. Wish you good luck.
that's awesome, around here calling a cat is very rare. most guys go at it with dogs. not sure if we have naturally lower density of lion.

I think also, most here don't get to hunt deer and elk every year unfortunately. less chance to get lucky if you're not out there.


Oct 8, 2019
I agree with some of the above comments. Fresh kills are possible to find by spending time looking for them, especially if you follow fresh lion tracks in the snow. Many lions we track with hounds have a kill or return to a kill.
Probably the only feasible way to go about hunting them without hounds.

You would also have an idea of size from the tracks, it’s very difficult to judge a lion quickly at distance for size and gender.