Sounds like it would be right up my alley, I'll check this out. Like I need any more encouragement on the prepper thing wife already thinks I'm crazy. Big zombie movie fan too incidentally...Not a movie, but a book you can read or listen to on Audible.
"One Second After" This will blow your mind and get your prepper juices flowing. It is fiction but based on real dangers and certain consequences that the US is 100% vulnerable to. The forward was written by Newt Gingrich and this book will scare the hell out of you and make you think about what would happen if all the sudden the lights went out and didn't come back on... No cell phones, no internet, no planes, no communication for an extended period. The rapid devolving of modern technological society.
Watch the Korean version!Oldboy. Josh Brolin stars in it. It's a remake of a Korean film.
Wolfe Creek is another film worth a look. A mate and I saw it in cinema not having a clue what we were in for. We left with minds blown.
Love me zombies too. If you haven’t already, check out Chris Philbrook’s “Adrian’s Undead Diary” on Kindle or Prime books. That guy is a freaking genius and hilarious AF!!!Sounds like it would be right up my alley, I'll check this out. Like I need any more encouragement on the prepper thing wife already thinks I'm crazy. Big zombie movie fan too incidentally...
The Prestige is fantastic!Watch the tv show Dark on Netflix. And get a notebook out to keep track of who is when and how they are when. An absolute mind bomb.
I’ll say the prestige is a mind blower is you really pay attention to it. Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Shutter Island, Inception are a few others.
But Dark. Big time mind trip.
InceptionI need a movie recommendation - a movie that will blow my mind as far as depth, story; one that will challenge my pre-conceived notions about something; that I will not be the same after watching it as before.
Hit me…
Training Day is awesome. “To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.”Denzel in Training Day is one of the best acting performances ever. He was always the good guy and knocked it out of the park as the villain.
I never felt so ripped off as when I paid to rent that VHS cassette.Paint Your Wagon
Greatest movie ever