Go hunt or don't go hunt, because there will be deer around. But as a SE Idaho resident, I'll tell you the reality: this winter has been worse than terrible.
In the 2016-2017 winter they collared 50 fawns in the area, and 49 died. That year put an entire age class off the mountain. It sucked.
This winter has been worse. I've plowed five times in the past eight days, to give you an idea, and it's almost April. It isn't letting up. I lion hunt and the amount of dead deer I've seen is insane. The scary part is the amount me and my friends have seen of adult deer that have starved. Usually it is only, or primarily fawns, but the adults are dying, which is extra scary. Typically, fawns die first, then old bucks who were rutting when the other deer were putting on fat.
On my way to work, I have to drive about five miles going 80 mph and I have lost count of the deer sprawled on the hills.
I still see live deer and saw several herds lion hunting yesterday.
This photo is out my window today. It is the final day of my kids' spring break.
But please remember, according to IDFG, the mountain lions are the reason deer numbers are down, and that's why they took quotas away.
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