Some light reading on Colorado Mule Deer

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

I certianly don't have the answers to the long term declines, but have to admit that the 3% drop in entire population of Colorado isn't that concerning to me considering the 07/08 winter was so brutal down there.

I worked on a coyote study in S. Idaho for 5 years (put in about 30 days in the study area) working for a research biologist.

In that study we learned this: killing coyotes makes a little difference in mule deer populations but is very expensive.
May 5, 2012
Interesting, thanks for the link.
I wonder how bad fracing is on the winter range.Haliburton and others pump hundreds of thousands gallons of water, silica sand and chemicals down every hole.Lots of water comes back up hole but not all of it.The dirty water that mixes with clean ground water can't be good for sage brush, grasses and other browse.I am not a scientist nor did I stay in a Holiday INN.But I do know deer need quality feed during the coldest part of the year as they fight deep snow.

I don't know people need jobs and cheaper fuel for their house and cars.

just a few thoughts
Feb 25, 2012
Gabe, not sure how the rules are in Colorado. But most of the oil companies have no spill policies. So the water, chemical, sand, and gel don't mix with the surface water.
May 5, 2012
Dirtytiugh, you are right they do have no spill policies.The 2 companies I worked for had us use diapers (material that wicks up spills) no matter how small.By the way I worked on a drilling rig and for a water transfer company. The water transfer company said to not let the dirty water on you.

I was talking about the water that is put down hole.There was talk of a law going into effect that would make Frack companies publish the chemicals that they put down hole.The companies didn't want to give away there trade secrets or let the public see what they put down hole.I am not sure what happened with the purposed law.By the way I am no oil field expert, hopefully I didn't come across as one.I am sure there is someone on this great site who knows more than I do about fracking.Hopefully I didn't open a can of worms!

Sorry if I hijacked your thread Robby D
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
not a hijack at all. good to hear everyone's thoughts on this issue and energy exploration is for sure a variable in the equation.