So, you went smaller caliber, but not down to .223…

.223->.243->.270 for me. I never killed anything with the .223 due to lack of opportunity. I was also only 8 and my dad borrowed it for me to hunt with. I've gone up slightly in the recoil department but I also went from a 6lb .243 to an 8lb .270. The difference is negligable and the stock fits a heck of a lot better. I own rifles that I'd hunt with in .243 to .375H&H on the recoil spectrum (unless the .45-70 is shooting +P+). If I got a call saying "Pack your bags, we're going hunting. The quarry and location is a surprise", I'd be grabbing my M70 EWSS in .270 and either 145gr ELD-X or 129LRX. Even in the more likely case of knowing the quarry, I'd be grabbing the .270 95% of the time.
What is danger space?

Also, @B_Retnolds_AK how is the the 6CM more cost effective than the 6.5CM? Are you speaking from a handloader’s perspective?
I was speaking from factory ammo, specifically between the 6.5 CM G9 Defense 113 long range hunter & Barnes 127 LRX vs the 6 CM 108 ELD-M.

As far as Danger Space, type that term into the search bar and type in Formidulosus under Member. His explanation will be better than mine.
350 Legend

Side note is i use 357 mag rifle for 15+ yrs for close range deer. It is phenominal inside 100 yds.

Not a big fan of 3006 but it gets the job done.
Not a big fan of 243.

350 Legend gives me a 160-170 gr bullet and full penetration inside 200-250 yds. Almost a perfect whitetail gun.
Bought my first Rem 700 30-06 at age 11 and shot 220gr core lokts and developed a flinch and a distaste of rifles that took 10 years to overcome. I started shooting 150 gr TTSXs and wanted more speed so went to a Howa 1500 .300 win. Realized that I was blasting through animals and blowing up rocks and shooting through multiple trees beyond the animal, and that the extra muzzle blast and kick were not worth the wasted energy. Picked up a .270 savage ultralite and it shoots 129 gr LRXs into the same hole. It will be my antelope to elk gun and the .300 will play backup fiddle.
Started out with a model 70 in 30-06 shooting 180 gr green box, because that just what you did in my family. Grew a flinch that I carry to this day. Skinny kids shouldn‘t shoot prone, who knew?

Figured if fast was good, really fast was gooder, so I joined my dad in carrying a 300 Wby Mag. Killed a few elk, then got tired of carrying the Accumark (nicknamed The Pig) up and down the mountain. Transitioned back to the 30-06, this time in a Wby Super Lightweight. Killed deer and elk just as dead at half the weight (and cost of ammo). Still got my àss handed to me every time I pulled the trigger.

Transitioned to the Mighty -08 (7mm-08) a decade ago when my son wanted to hunt. I didn’t want him to have the same experience I did so I learned how to reload and I started him on lower-kicking options.

As luck would have it, my dad’s Browning Stainless Stalker developed a trigger issue right before elk season, so I had him use my Tikka in 30-06 and I used my backup, a Tikka in 7mm-08. I killed a 4x4 with the 7mm-08 and haven’t looked back.

This year I used my Tikka in .223 Rem to kill a Mulie buck, so I’ll probably keep doing that.

Roughly in order and I'm sure I'll leave something out. I started with a 30-06 of course then transitioned to a 308 Norma Mag for a long time, 35 Whelen, 300 WSM, 325 WSM, 375 Ruger, 358 Norma Mag, 270 Win 6.8 Western.

Around the time I had the 308 Norma in the mid 1990's I got into the 6.5x55 and 260 Rem which I have always kept for deer and for youth black bear hunters I would take out. I for the most part have had a 35 Whelen as a constant too from around 1990 or so. Would have kept the 270 Win but the gun had issues.

The 375 Ruger was amazingly accurate prone or from the bench but in the field it didn't fit well and I didn't shoot it as well. After screwing up a shot on my grizzly and having to sort out a mess and realizing recoil headaches were not a good thing I traded it for a LH Tikka 6.5x55 my wife uses and am happy with how it worked out.

Currently we own the Tikka 6.5x55, a Tikka 260 Rem for myself which I use for deer but wouldn't hesitate to use on moose either, a new 6.8 Western built on a Tikka and my lightweight Rem 700 35 Whelen that I shoot well for bigger game especially where we have lots of aggressive grizzlies.

I'm excited to see what the 6.8 Western will do I have 170 gr Berger, 170 gr Ballistic Tip and the 175 gr Sierra TGK. It will be used like I used to use the 300 mag's but with a lot less recoil. bet those bullets open big holes in game as far as I'll ever shoot. Other than maybe some specialized purpose gun I don't see going any heaver than the 6.8 anymore.

I despise Hornady and their 6.5 Creedmoor but know it does the same basic thing as our current 6.5's. For future projects I've been stalking the 25 cal success page and have to admit the 25 Creed is interesting or maybe a fast twist 25-06. probably a 270 Win will make an appearance again. Have zero interest in a 223 since our 6.5's have mild recoil already and perform great.

Just my thoughts, blessings to you all.
Went from hunting with 7mag and 30nosler to 6cm. Will have my tikka 223 delivered tomorrow but I can’t use it for elk in Oregon.
All shot with 6.5 Creedmoor’s ; 140 BT’s or 143 ELDM’s

Average shot distance: 40 yards
Average distance traveled after the shot: 36.33 yards*** NOT 109 yards. I cannot multitask

Does don’t seem to travel as far as rutted out bucks.

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So, you followed the shift to smaller caliber bullets.

Bonus question: What did you shoot before?

I went to a 7mm-08 in 2013.

Started with the 120 NBT, mostly due to Steve Timm.

Then 162 AMAX. Then 120 TTSX. Then sold it.

Had a few 300 magnums before then. Churned through a bunch of rifles before and since, and don't have any 7mm-08 now. Do have a couple 300 magnums again!
What is danger space?
Hat tip to @hereinaz :

SECTION 5: Calculating the Danger Space with JBM

One of the cool features of the JBM Ballistic Calculator is its ability to calculate the "danger space" which will tell you how much of an error you can make in the range estimation. This term refers to the whether the calculated bullet path will hit above or below the target area depending on how close or far it is. For instance, if the target is 10 inches tall, JBM will tell you the closest range for the target and still hit the top, and then the furthest range for where the bullet will hit the bottom of the target.

That will give you an idea of the importance of ranging exactly how far the target is away. The further a target, the more precise you need to be to hit the target.

Then, stack the ranging error on top of the possible muzzle velocity variation which, on top of a little aerodynamic jump, on top of ballistic coefficient variation, on top of lots of other little variable and you can start to see the compounding effect of errors.

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Sounds like MPBR
You are right, MPBR is the danger space calculations with the original zero, to see how far out the point of impact can change because of distance greater than zero so that the point of impact stays in the vitals. For average magnum a 200 yard zero is good for point blank to 300 yards. The “error” in distance doesn’t matter if it is less than 300 yards. You will be low at 300, but still kill. That effective range beyond the zero is the danger space.

And, once I change my “zero” by dialing dope for a 500 yard zero, the danger space calculations can tell me how much error in distance for my new “dialed zero” is still inside the vitals.
25 creed and 6mm arc coming down from a 30-06 and a 7mm rem mag.

223 doesn't carry enough energy at distance for my preferences

I still have a .280 ai and 7mm magnum though that get the nod when chasing elk. But I wouldn't hesitate to use the 25 creed either. 6mm arc is mostly a target and Varmint rifle.