So, you went smaller caliber, but not down to .223…

I started in my 20’s with a .270. I became recoil sensitive pretty quick and opted for a 243. Had a buddy that liked the .25-06 so I ran that for a bit. That brought me into the world of reloading.

I’ve completely quit the .270 for NC whitetails. Sold the .25-06. Bought a used 6.5 Creedmoor, love how easy it is to load for accuracy. Wanted a heavy hitting coyote rig and went 6.5 Grendel. Blown away how well it works on deer. Grendel was never on my radar.

The .243 will probably get another look as the 95gr BT seems to be the perfect choice. My brother has never lost one with that round.
It’s funny to think about, my hunting career is short. Early decisions driven by fuddlore and over compensation for mistakes I didn’t fully understand. Blamed poor boolet performance or poor shot placement on being under-gunned.

Here is my progression with what I consider my primary big game rifle. I did not hunt out west until 2018.

2006 - .270 Win
2007 - .270 Win
2008 - .270 Win
2009 - .270 Win
2010 - .270 Win
2011 - .270 Win
2012 - .270 Win
2013 - .270 Win
2014 - 7mm Rem Mag
2015 - 7mm Rem Mag
2016 - .338 Win Mag
2017 - .308 Win
2018 - .280 Ackley
2019 - .280 Ackley
2020 - .280 Ackley
2021 - .280 Ackley
2022 - .280 Ackley
2023 - .280 Ackley
2024 - 22 Creedmoor

The .280 AI will be watching closely for a way to get back in the game I’m sure lol