SO DST tarp pitches

Sorta... but I fold the entire length of the back of the shelter under... essentially reducing he width of the shelter by 25%. I also put the shorter pole behind the shelter and use a guy line attached to the pullout loop, wrapped to the pole, then staked out. Removes the interior pole and increases usable interior space markedly.
I think this is the pitch you are describing. I haven't tried it with the DST yet, but should work great with the reinforced center cone.

This is a DD Tarps 10x14, but same idea. Back corners folder under, second trekking pole in the center.



I love this thread, and I love my Dst. I would say that tarps are especially useful when finding a good footprint is difficult. In my area I rarely encounter flat areas large enough for the tarp itself, yet with a flat tarp it is so easy to adapt to the terrain. Even large stones and bushes dont pose a problem, so long as a human size flat spot can be found. Lovin' it

Skickat från min G8142 via Tapatalk
I know its not a dst but I'm too stoked on my Jimmy tarps 6x9 not to share, loving this thing. Tarp and bprah bivy= 15oz

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I just love the flexibility of of using a tarp for a shelter... and that includes the greater mobility of keeping my pack light. Note, the Jimmy 6x9 is a significantly smaller tarp than the DST.

I know its not a dst but I'm too stoked on my Jimmy tarps 6x9 not to share, loving this thing. Tarp and bprah bivy= 15oz

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Got my new DST set up in the flying diamond and seam sealed tonight. I'm taking it to the river Friday night for it's first excursion. What bug nests are you guys running in yours?
Got my new DST set up in the flying diamond and seam sealed tonight. I'm taking it to the river Friday night for it's first excursion. What bug nests are you guys running in yours?
This one in my pictures is from DD Hammocks. It’s heavy, and not the best, but it is what I have for the time being.

I asked the same question a few posts up in this thread. Bearpaw Wilderness designs was suggested, sea to summit (doesnt have a floor) and perhaps Borah gear bug bivy would be good for use with this tarp. Have fun at the river!!

Skickat från min G8142 via Tapatalk
Well I spent the first night under my DST last night. We had rain from 8pm to 5am with a couple 20 minute breaks, mostly steady light to brief hard rain. We got 2" total or very close to it. I stayed dry. We took my 1648 Lowe river boat on this trip so weight and bulk were not an issue, rather stability with storms expected and sand were what I planned for.

I pitched the tarp in the flying diamond set-up with the front about 6.5ft high and the back staked into the wind. 2 loops out from the taller pole I used for the high center front loop I had the canoe paddles I carry in case of engine trouble tied propping up the loops and guyed out in front for stability. I also had a trekking pole under the re-inforced patch to gain height. Since it was pitched on an exposed sandbar and storms were expected I used 6 of my Kifaru SST (sand, snow, tundra) long stakes and filled the rest of the loops on the sides with 12" ABS stakes. We both sat in lawn chairs with our gear dry bags under the DST until around 12:30am and then my buddy headed to his tent and I stayed under the DST for the night. We stayed dry in our chairs tucked back under it as far as we could close together with the rod holders set out in front of it so we could keep an eye out for a bite.

All in all I was very happy with the tarp. I would like to figure out a bug nest for it at some point. With the water rising the sandbar we camped on shrank by about 50% before morning. There are a ton of spiders on the larger established sand bars and I don't think they wanted to be in the rain either. They don't ever seem to bother people, but when I shined my headlamp around the inner perimeter of the tarp I saw a bunch of them. I never awoke to any of them crawling on me, but it's not a situation I want to repeat either. I'm not terrified of spiders but am also not a huge fan of having a few dozen of them less than 10ft from me when I lay down to sleep. As it was we left each other alone and shared the tarp for the night. I've spent a lot of nights under my Kifaru Megatarp in similar conditions and never noticed so many. I'm not sure if it was just this particular sandbar, the big front opening, or just happened.

The DST is just what I was looking for as a shade/rain shelter for a couple guys with a lot of height. If I find the right nest, it will be the ideal shelter for my river trips and a lot of my hunting. I could have re-pitched it with a lower front later in the night before sleeping, but wanted to see now it worked the way I had it. I would rather figure out if that pitch is going to get me wet on 73 degree excursion than in Alaska this fall.

I'd love to figure out a bug nest that we could set our lawn chairs in front of for river camping (toward the front opening) but that I could retreat into before sleeping. I would like a big entrance/exit as I get out to check and re-bait my rods every hour or two as I wake up. That would let me set up only one structure for both shelter while sitting up and fishing, and sleeping in.

As I said, I stayed dry and the DST took the wind and rain well. I
Well finally got the tarp out. Below is a picture where a buddy and I used the tarp for a high mountain fishing trip There is enough room for two and gear, at least in good weather. I was very pleased with this tarp. I highly recommend.


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I talked to Seek Outside today, they recommended the LBO nest for my DST. I will be getting one hopefully before to much longer.
I’m looking at using one as an annex for my cimmeron like HnF. How do you make the apex connection where the tarp corn ties into the peak if the tipi?

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