Smallest full framed turkey gun

Glad I came across this thread, I have a mini bantam that I bought for the kids years ago and it's already too short for my 11yo. Think I'm going to order that adjustable stock and turn it into a turkey gun!
Picked up a Stevens 301 410 for turkey this year. After studying up on the 410 with TSS, I'll let my son lug the 870 12 gauge around this year. The 301 feels like a toy in my hands and ridiculously light. Started as a kid with an Ithaca M-66 super single 410 and now back to a 410. I've come full circle.
I just bought the Stevens 410 today myself. Looks like a great choice for my daughter and sure beats the price on the Mossberg mini bantam. I may spend a bit more and put a red dot on it. I don’t know right now. I’ve been throwing a ton of money at my wife’s car fixing every little thing it seems like and now the water pump is shot. Her car is a beast to work on and I cuss the dang engineers that designed it!
I just bought the Stevens 410 today myself. Looks like a great choice for my daughter and sure beats the price on the Mossberg mini bantam. I may spend a bit more and put a red dot on it. I don’t know right now. I’ve been throwing a ton of money at my wife’s car fixing every little thing it seems like and now the water pump is shot. Her car is a beast to work on and I cuss the dang engineers that designed it!
Think you/she are going to love it. Get your TSS from Rogers sporting goods, definitely the best deal I’ve found and makes it a little more affordable haha.

Also these holosun sights works great on these guns and palmetto has them for a great price. Think I was all in for a little over $350 including red dot, hard to beat for a great Turkey gun.

Glad I came across this thread, I have a mini bantam that I bought for the kids years ago and it's already too short for my 11yo. Think I'm going to order that adjustable stock and turn it into a turkey gun!
Stock ordered!
Need a red dot and choke recommendations for this gun.