Who hunts with sub 20 inch "tactical" shotgun for turkey?

I shot this one with 21” 870 Friday morning. It’s not very sexy, but it works.
Last year I bought a Tuffy 410 for turkey and I LOVE it. So light and nimble! Soooo much lighter to carry than my 12ga! Much shorter so much easier to swing on a bird in tight spaces. It dang near feels like a toy gun. And it’s cheap. Super low investment. Pick one up and I bet you’ll never go back to a 12 or a 20.

It’s a crack barrel single shot, which I also think is a bonus. As I’ve gotten older I just don’t feel comfortable leaving a round chambered in my 12ga while I’m covering ground. It’s just too easy for that safety to get bumped from safe to fire on most shotguns, but that extra caution has cost me more than a few birds. However, with the cocking hammer on this 410, I feel extremely confident moving through brush with a chambered round. And the TSS ammo is legit. Expensive as Hell, but legit! The 410 with TSS will do anything a 12ga will.






I got the 20 last year and wish I had the .410. Even with trap loads it's so light it has some snort.

Absolutely hate the safety. Considering using epoxy to hold it in place.
Thanks to this thread I ordered a Stevens 301 in .410 last night. Looking forward to the weight savings compared to my 12 gauge 1187, and also hope it will be easier on my hearing.
Using a Benelli M4 with longbeard xr loads and Carlson longbeard choke. Tube capacity isn't a rule in AZ. Still a 12g and weighs more than the smaller 20, 28 and 410's here but it works just fine if you want to get more miles out of a gun that you already have. The pistol grip and short overall length is great in the woods moving around and quick to get swung onto the target. Red dot is great for turkey. Sometimes get some looks from traditional bird gun guys though.