Sitka rep anti-gun


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Why do people get spun up about thugs like this?

Do yourself a favor and get rid of FB/IG/etc. and I can guarantee you will have a more fulfilling life. I can’t imagine an existence more boring than monitoring social media and speculating about what someone else thinks.

Why? Because this guy has a large platform and he is spewing wildly inflated stats. By our own gov reports he is off by a whopping 2700%. The stats he presents then get repeated to folks that aren't smart enough to fact check.
Link to actual Mass shooting stats

Then add he is profiting personally from these wildly inaccurate claims. He is a paid endorsee of Toms and Sitka....and who knows else. He is essentially, Making Shit profit. THATS the main reason why I'm pissed about it.

Where it relates to Sitka....are those Gore execs too stupid to Google these stats themselves and see that this guy is flat out lying to promote his own brand?

Re your Social Media rant. I get your point.....heck I'm an old guy. But I also realize we are in a whole new world. It used to be in my generation.... The bad ass guys that could....didn't talk about it. Strong/silent. Now we are in a generation where its all about pounding your chest....whether you are the real deal or not. [hint; many of these Douche bags aren't]

I also realize this is the new way of the world. Complaining about it isn't going to change anything...we will just be left behind. We don't have to fully embrace it but we can utilize it police it to make it better. Thats where Sitka comes in. They can make a huge statement here....calling this guy on the carpet. Its becoming increasingly obvious they are taking the cowards way out, don't rock the boat.

I hope Sitkas leadership mans up.....the clocks ticking.


Feb 13, 2014
I read on one of the threads about Mr. Post, that Sitka would come out with a statement after the holidays. You have to admit it was horrible timing. I don’t think Sitka would further jeopardize themselves with this fella. I guess only time will tell, but give them a break for a minute. They’re people just like us too and are spending time with family. I’m sure after Christmas they’ll make an official statement regarding this fluffed up flooffy boy and their stance on his b.s.