I currently own items from Sitka, First Lite, and Kryptek, with an eye on a Sitka MTN Vest as one of my upcoming purchases when I can find a sale. The point is, acting as if it's a strange thought that someone questions why Sitka stands out as more expensive overall when compared with other brands feels very head-in-the-sand-ish. It's extremely obvious imo why someone getting into technical gear would question if they are overpriced or what makes them stand above. Don't be all passive aggressive at the OP when he's asking a very fair question that immediately jumps off the screen when you start looking at these companies. At least have the dignity to be plainly somewhat aggressive, like me ; ) hahah.
Of course we could find more categories where Sitka is both above and below competitors, but by listing multiple areas (including ones where Sitka wasn't the highest) I'm illustrating that they are consistently on the high end, even if not always the highest. Kuiu is working hard to pass Sitka with their new rain/cold gear, as was Kryptek when they initially dropped the Altitude line. However, Sitka (as the OP asked about) is consistently pushing to the top on price with new releases.
Is it worth it? For lots of dudes.
Is it a silly question? Heck no.