I called silencerco and reported what we're seeing here. ~120 reports, ~8.5% failure rate, all bolt actions, people seem to keep them cool/no rapid fire, common failure theme is 20-22" of a magnum, typically somewhat low round counts.
He said misuse they refer to (and maybe see in warranty returns but he didn't explicitly state they see it) is typically using them on semi autos, rapid fire, and getting too hot. He said their failure rate they see is less than 1% and they're not concerned about it. He said they're selling more than 1000 of these per month, so their sample size is large.
I also commented on round count/"shelf life" of the suppressor concerned about using it for all my shooting at 1000-1500 rounds a year and said that wasn't a concern. I said I use it on a 16" 223 and 22" 243 and didn't want to blow mine up so what recommendations can he provide for preventing that. He said they recommend no more than 10rds/min to keep it cool and that's pretty much it.
So.... That's incredibly unsatisfying. 10rds/min from my 16" 223 would get that thing super hot in a hurry.
Who wants to test 10rds/min with their 20" 300 prc?