Signs and symptoms of a elkaholic...

So many signs and symptoms!
When you are cleaning out and vacuuming the inside of your truck, for the third time since September, and you are still finding diaphragm calls stuck between the seats and under the seats. And then, you stick them in your mouth and test them, just to see if they are still good, you are an Elkaholic.
When washing clothes and once or twice a week a Diaphragm call is found either in a pocket or in the wash, you know you are an Elkaholic.
When your vacuuming and cleaning the house and you always find Diaphragm calls in between the seats on the couch, you know your an Elkaholic.
When you open YouTube on any computer, I-Pad, or TV and it defaults to every possible form of Elk Videos, you know you are an Elkaholic.
When you hear a baby cry and it sounds like a cow elk! You know your an Elkaholic.
When the neighbors two streets over flip you off when they drive by, and then you find out they have three dogs that apparently love your preseason closed garage door evening bugles, you are an Elkaholic.
If hunting whitetail deer just doesn't do it for you anymore, and you live all year long just for the month of September, then you certainly have become a Elkaholic.
When you have scattered all over your garage work desk an assortment of different sized plastic tubes, corrugated tubing, PVC Pipe , different sized flexible vacuum & Wet Vac cleaner hoses, different size Gatorade bottles, different size toy plastic baseball bats, and various recording apps on your cell phone, you know you are an Elkaholic.
Don't know how to post a picture here, but I have one of Kermit the frog looking out of his window saying "I wonder if the elk are thinking about me too"
Don't remember where I got it from, maybe someone can google it and post it here.