We have a whole sub form located to rifle scope testing, But i don't see a thread archery sight holding zero. I suspect my sight does not hold zero very well. I have been noticing that im chasing groups left and right over time. So I ran a brief test that did confirm my suspicion if I "bend" the sight left to right, i can get a shift. Im talking like 10 lbs of force just to simulate getting bagged around in the woods. Visually looking at my sight ( hha optomiser lite-
https://www.hhasports.com/optimizer-lite-x/) it doesn't look to very strong to resist this kind of motion. A quick 7 shot test before and after confirmed what I have been seeing
first picture is the zeroed group
View attachment 750404
2nd picture is with the sight impacted to the (shooters) left
View attachment 750405
Are sights losing zero a know problem?
Are some makes or models more robust?