Sidearm or Not?

May 5, 2018
How many of you carry a sidearm when archery elk hunting in wilderness areas but not grizzly territory? And of those who do carry, have you ever actually needed it?
I don’t… have definitely thought about it, but so far, so good. I’m sure it only takes one time to change your mind. But if I was in griz country, that would change my mind.

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Glock 10mm. Started running into black bears last archery season and I never filled my bear tag this spring. I improved my access to the handgun this year in hopes of sticking one with an arrow. Even if the bear didn’t charge after the shot, I don’t like the idea of blood trailing a bear without an adequate firearm.
started carrying airweight SW .357 after being bluff charged by a black bear when with kids. Glad to have it when being circled by wolves a couple years ago, and once when some suspicious characters were around my base camp when coming off the mountain to change spike camp location, but have never discharged in self defense of 4 or 2 legged critters. Carry cross draw on my pack belt and it stays there all season and never notice it's there.
Even in grizz country 2 legged critters can be more scary than 4 legged critters. I always carry…if in grizz country its a glock 29, non grizz country a glock 43. The 43 is so light I don’t even realize I have it. The 29 is in a razco with my bino harness.
I did in black bear country (no G bears). I won’t anymore, I’ll carry bear spray. Felt like unnecessary weight.

Now Grizz habitat… I would.
Bear spray is cheaper, lighter and more effective against bears than a sidearm (go look at the data). As for people problems, if you haven't got enough sense to get out of the way of a crazy man and prefer to shoot your way to safety, well, I wish you luck.

The data is inconclusive at best. And certainly within a large population with inherent variation of individuals there are some better served with one over the other, independent of what population level data says.

To me, the one advantage guns have is they cut through the wind just fine.
I live in G Bear country and when I bowhunt here I carry a pistol and spray.

When I am in non G Bear country I carry my hellcat in my EDC appendix holster just like I do any other day.

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