Should have read a bit more!!!
Here's some concessions I had to make.
My favorite rifle is a Ruger No.1 in .270 Win.
Either shoot left handed, or give up fixed actions.
I went with an AR in 6.8mm Rem SPC. Shooting it enough to sight in and hunt is comfortable.
I had to give up my Win M12's and Rem 870. Fixed actions.
The old antique Rem Sportsman was sent to Briley in Houston and tubed. I wouldn't want to spend an afternoon shooting rounds of trap or skeet, but for a little turkey and squirrel hunting, recoil is quite acceptable.
...or learn to shoot left handed.
Pretty much just steer clear of short barreled magnums!
Weight restriction:
Doc says limit lifts to 25 pounds.....but I'm 74 years old. Twenty five pounds IS about my limit!
Doc restricted me to one year before shouldering and shooting a long gun.
Worked with a guy once who saw himself as some sort of Kung Fu champion.
EVERYtime his instructor showed him how to throw a kick or punch, he would immediately say, "I can't because.....!" and give some off the wall excuse.
Exasperated, the instructor told him, "Stop telling me why you can't and start figuring out how you can!"
Long story short.
As you recover, you'll figure out more restrictions. When you hit that wall, take some time and figure out a "work-around"!
I can do everything I've always done. It just takes me longer!