Glad your surgery went well. My hip replacement was 2-2-24. All is good. Now walking without walker, cane or crutches.
I've got a couple of curiosity questions if you don't mind.
Post-op, what are the weight (pick up) restrictions for the shoulder?
Weeks 1-4 = no weight at all, released to a 10 pound restriction starting w/ week 5
Will you regain full mobility or will there be "some" loss of mobility?
Some loss of ROM is expected, won't know how much for several more months
What are the chances that dislocation can reoccur?
Continued dislocations are possible, but likelihood should be decreased, especially with the anchors I got
What time frame did they give you to full recovery?
10 weeks to 1 year is the range I've seen. I'm hoping for about 6 months
The doctor restricted me to 25 pounds with the implant.
They tell me my natural ROM will never return. Five years post op and either I've become accustomed to the limitations or just don't notice them anymore.
Sadly, should I dislocate or damage the implant, the only recourse is a "reverse" (ball on shoulder, socket on humerus) implant.
I was 58 when I had the surgery. Doctor wouldn't let me shoot for ONE year! I won't tell you what I did!
Just curious, sir!