Shoulder Dislocation/Bankart Repair

I didn't have the Bankart repair, but I had the labrum reattached and sewn back together, then secured with anchors. It was torn in half and I had to hold my arm on the socket for a few months until surgery. I would not advise you go on the goat hunt. Very high likelihood of reinjuring. 6 months post-op, I was doing great. Lifting weights, shooting my bow, etc. I ended up getting tripped playing softball and ripped an anchor out.

For me I had more muscle strength then the repair had at the time. It felt better immediately post surgery and got better overtime. But with surgeries like this, it is usually 1 year before you will be 100%.

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A Bankart repair is a type of labral repair, the most common type. 6 months out, getting tripped, that’s more of a freak accident than the repair failing. Remember, your original labrum failed, you are not bulletproof before or after surgery. However, that’s why people have started adding Remplissage, to try to make you more bulletproof after surgery.
I have had both shoulders worked on multiple times and the best advice I can give is to do whet the doctor and physical therapist says. Follow their instructions and their timeline for you or you will likely regret it. I wish I had listened, if I had I probably would not have had both shoulders worked on multiple times.
Update -

I’m 5 days post op. Ended up with the labral repair plus 3 anchors (Remplissage). I’ve been icing 30 min on 30 min off almost continuously. No pain to speak of. Pretty much have full use of the hand/forearm back. Obviously, I’m still in the immobilizer 24/7 except for stretches, PT, and showering. Feeling pretty good other than being bored with sitting on the couch attached to my ice machine.

I’m using the down time to get parts together for the 6CM Tikka I’ve wanted for 2+ years. I’m telling myself it’s “adaptive sports equipment.”
Update -

I’m 5 days post op. Ended up with the labral repair plus 3 anchors (Remplissage). I’ve been icing 30 min on 30 min off almost continuously. No pain to speak of. Pretty much have full use of the hand/forearm back. Obviously, I’m still in the immobilizer 24/7 except for stretches, PT, and showering. Feeling pretty good other than being bored with sitting on the couch attached to my ice machine.

I’m using the down time to get parts together for the 6CM Tikka I’ve wanted for 2+ years. I’m telling myself it’s “adaptive sports equipment.”
Glad your surgery went well. My hip replacement was 2-2-24. All is good. Now walking without walker, cane or crutches. 👍

I've got a couple of curiosity questions if you don't mind.

Post-op, what are the weight (pick up) restrictions for the shoulder?
Will you regain full mobility or will there be "some" loss of mobility?
What are the chances that dislocation can reoccur?
What time frame did they give you to full recovery?

The doctor restricted me to 25 pounds with the implant.
They tell me my natural ROM will never return. Five years post op and either I've become accustomed to the limitations or just don't notice them anymore.
Sadly, should I dislocate or damage the implant, the only recourse is a "reverse" (ball on shoulder, socket on humerus) implant.
I was 58 when I had the surgery. Doctor wouldn't let me shoot for ONE year! I won't tell you what I did!

Just curious, sir!
You can have repeated dislocation without a separated labrum, I did.

After almost a year of not riding a 168cm snowboard on ice days, not climbing, not water skiing, not carrying a heavy pack, I lost mobility. I started doing squats, which meant I had to be able to hold a bar on my back.

While scoping your shoulder, if the tendon's stretched and not torn, they can heat it. My ortho told me that it shrinks up like cooking bacon.

If you're certain that tendon's ruptured, well.... I'd get a 2nd opinion. If you're not sure, I'd really get a 2nd opinion.

My worst dislocation was trying to not fall off of a 2-seat chair lift. (I didn't fall, but about pissed myself) 2nd worst was body surfing in a place I shouldn't have been. Probably 10 times overall. 18 months after initial injury I was back to overhead straight bar pressing almost my weight for reps. I traded the 168 for a 159 and rode fine, deep trees or icy groomers ever since...

Get a 2nd opinion, maybe?

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Glad your surgery went well. My hip replacement was 2-2-24. All is good. Now walking without walker, cane or crutches. 👍

I've got a couple of curiosity questions if you don't mind.

Post-op, what are the weight (pick up) restrictions for the shoulder? Weeks 1-4 = no weight at all, released to a 10 pound restriction starting w/ week 5
Will you regain full mobility or will there be "some" loss of mobility? Some loss of ROM is expected, won't know how much for several more months
What are the chances that dislocation can reoccur? Continued dislocations are possible, but likelihood should be decreased, especially with the anchors I got
What time frame did they give you to full recovery? 10 weeks to 1 year is the range I've seen. I'm hoping for about 6 months

The doctor restricted me to 25 pounds with the implant.
They tell me my natural ROM will never return. Five years post op and either I've become accustomed to the limitations or just don't notice them anymore.
Sadly, should I dislocate or damage the implant, the only recourse is a "reverse" (ball on shoulder, socket on humerus) implant.
I was 58 when I had the surgery. Doctor wouldn't let me shoot for ONE year! I won't tell you what I did!

Just curious, sir!

Replied in red.
I have had several dislocations to both shoulders and many sublax dislocations.
Had one go under the knife and it's been a game-changer. way more stable than it's ever been and just as mobile, make sure you do the exercises they give you. they suck at the time but well worth it.
Update -

21 days post op now. Stiches are out, bruising is gone. Never had any pain. I'm going to be completely out of the sling next week (4 weeks total in the sling). When I come out of the sling I'll be on a 10 pound weight restriction. PT is going great. Arm is much more useable than I thought it was going to be. I'm already out hiking around, glassing goats. I'm going to start shooting my .223 on week 7. I have a (lowkey) hunt in early April I want to get ready for.

Long story short, my recovery is progressing much better/faster than I expected; however, I'm being mindful to go slow because I don't want any setbacks.
Update -

21 days post op now. Stiches are out, bruising is gone. Never had any pain. I'm going to be completely out of the sling next week (4 weeks total in the sling). When I come out of the sling I'll be on a 10 pound weight restriction. PT is going great. Arm is much more useable than I thought it was going to be. I'm already out hiking around, glassing goats. I'm going to start shooting my .223 on week 7. I have a (lowkey) hunt in early April I want to get ready for.

Long story short, my recovery is progressing much better/faster than I expected; however, I'm being mindful to go slow because I don't want any setbacks.
I'll give you my. .02..

My recovery and pain post surgery was like yours. I was in really great shape prior to my injury and tried to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Follow all instructions from your Dr.

Do PT religiously and when you are done, ask if you can do more. Learn the exercises you do during PT and then bring them to the gym with you.

There was a period of time post PT where I stopped excercising and my pain slowly came back. I got back on the gym with a multitude of shoulder exercises and within a few weeks the pain was gone.

Even though you feel strong post PT, everything won't be healed for about a year. Keep that in mind.

My range of motion is good, 90% of my other arm. My strength is probably 95% of my other arm. I do have a little more pain post workout on shoulder days, but it's tolerable and it isn't an injury, it's just sore.

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I'll give you my. .02..

My recovery and pain post surgery was like yours. I was in really great shape prior to my injury and tried to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Follow all instructions from your Dr.

Do PT religiously and when you are done, ask if you can do more. Learn the exercises you do during PT and then bring them to the gym with you.

There was a period of time post PT where I stopped excercising and my pain slowly came back. I got back on the gym with a multitude of shoulder exercises and within a few weeks the pain was gone.

Even though you feel strong post PT, everything won't be healed for about a year. Keep that in mind.

My range of motion is good, 90% of my other arm. My strength is probably 95% of my other arm. I do have a little more pain post workout on shoulder days, but it's tolerable and it isn't an injury, it's just sore.

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Though mine was a replacement rather than a repair, that's about what I went through.
Really would have liked to cause the PT guy as much pain as he caused me.....BUT
....when he got through, it felt SOOO much better! 😓😃