1st pic - Bad shot. One lung at best
2nd pic - Needs to be higher. The vitals are pushed up when the elk is lying down
3rd pic - Elk is moving. Tough shot
4th pic - He wont go far...
5th pic - You will see him tip over
on the second shot I was taking in to account the angle of the body. He is kind of leaning back so I went a bit lower. On the first shot I was looking at the location of the heart. Figured i got the heart and one lung. I love BB's shot threads and figured i'd start one here.
I made the #3 shot at 25 yards on a bull 3 seasons back. The bull stopped in that position for a moment before following his harem. There is just enough room at the left of the tree to put an arow into the vitals without hitting the shoulder.
i love a good shot placement thread. this should be a sticky. since i've read BB's thread over on A/T after Joehunter copied and pasted it from bowsite, my shots thru the ">" on 3 deer and 2 elk have resulted in devastating kill shots and watching or hearing them go down in short order. one thing that helps me is my 3d target with the life like shape of the animal. my site automatically finds the center of the ">" as soon as i draw my bow.