Confirming as others have, it's bad. I'm a member at a local private range and we raise money every year doing "public rifle sight in day" on two weekends before firearm season opens. The shit we have to do to make sure nothing bad happens is hard to believe:
- Have to check the bore of every rifle to make sure it isn't obstructed - because it's been a problem in the past
- Have to check the ammunition to make sure they are shooting the right cartridge for their gun - catch or miss problems with this near annually. Last year it was a guy shooting 6 creed in a 6.5 creed but its been off in the wrong direction in the past.
- Have a club member sitting beside each shooter at the benches as they are shooting. Making sure they don't shoot someone or send a round over the berms and off the range, teaching them how to hold a rifle steadily (often), spotting impacts, helping them make scope adjustments appropriately, and troubleshooting their weapon when it doesn't shoot like anything that should be ethically used to shoot animals (often).
This range is 5 minutes from my house and I went there to get a new scope zeroed quick as a non-member a few years back. I was like WTF guys, these are basics leave me alone. But i get it now. I work the benches and try to help people get zeroed now. It's eye opening.