Shoot or pass

Last year I had one weekend in Georgia and let many dies walk, one had 2 big fawns (no spots) suckling on her so I didn’t take any of them. Passed a couple ugly small bucks too. Ended up with nothing that weekend
Shoot the first deer that is not a fawn that gives you a shot. If you were in an area that had some trophy bucks then that may change.
What's more important to you?
Being able to get your first bow kill or the opportunity to maybe shoot a bigger deer? It's all about your own personal goals for the season.
I look at it this way. If the doe are regularly coming by your stand then hold off a bit and see what comes by during the rut. Now if you only have that one tag and not much time to hunt take the 1st deer that comes by regardless of sex. I'm lucky in that here in NC we get 6 tags and have a long season. I'll take 2-3 doe right off the bat and then hold out for a buck.
A doe is not a consolation prize or participation ribbon. If you get excited when a doe is working through, send an arrow!
These posts are silly. You're not looking for advice, you're looking for reassurance.

As long as it's legal, do what ever you want and you shouldn't GAF about what other people think.

Cogito ergo sum! Be your own man, make your own decisions.
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how long is your season, and what is the deer density like? If you are a newer bow hunter or have any difficulty getting shot opportunities at all, shoot all the deer you can. I like the answers from 180ls1 and Outside. If you have a long season and/or high deer density and having deer walk by in range is easy...well, maybe be a little pickier IF that floats your boat, who cares what anyone else thinks. But I'm a firm believer that any deer is a great deer to put in the freezer. If there's a browse line on local woodlines, shoot all the does you can. IMO more states need "earn a buck" regs.
If it’s your first deer I say go for the doe. Fills the freezer and gives you some confidence!
No matter what you read in print, most folks just want to shoot something.

They change all these buck rules to 3 points or whatever and folks b&m about not being able to shoot spikes. Then folks shoot the first 3 point they see.

There is no shame in shooting any deer.
I'd shoot it. Better to gain the experience now, so when you do have an opportunity at a big buck you have more confidence.
My advice is always more time and experience in the field if you have the opportunity, but if you have one day and want to shoot, shoot a doe. They eat just fine and will not give the multitude of things that can happen for a first time bow hunter shooting a buck as a first kill with bow.

I always recommend a novice hunter (with a choice of weapon) shooting a few doe before any buck, but my advice is about as good as the paper its written on....and given that it is online, that tells you enough
So this is my first year bow hunting and in the unit I hunt it’s any whitetail. So my question is if a does comes through my stand should I pass or shoot ? I’ve only seen does and 1 spike. I know ultimately it’s up to me but I wanted to hear other people’s thoughts

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Do yourself a favor, kill whatever gives you a clean shot. And then buy more tags and repeat the process. Most of all remember hunting is supposed to be fun and not a competition