As I stated in another thread, my BIL and I are approximately 3-5 years out on an AK Dall Sheep hunt. Currently, he's speaking with outfitters and I'm acquiring the proper gear and gaining as much knowledge as I can about these magnificent animals.
All the while, I'm stripping every extra inch and pound from my body. I don't mind training, I've done it the majority of my life, but I have to have a specific goal.....a point when I say, "I can do this." I fully realize we can always get stronger, you can always lift another rep or go another 1/2 mile, but there is a point when you're ready and everything else is icing on the cake.
I currently weight lift 4 days per week, it's an entire body program that increases weight as well as reps; i.e., working with heavier weights for longer periods of time.
I do some type of cardio 4 days per week as well; walking and hiking for the most part, but will start jogging again shortly since good weather is here.
Anyhow......for those of you who have hunted sheep or are preparing to, what is your training regimen? What were you physically capable of doing or what do you want to be able to do when you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look up?
All the while, I'm stripping every extra inch and pound from my body. I don't mind training, I've done it the majority of my life, but I have to have a specific goal.....a point when I say, "I can do this." I fully realize we can always get stronger, you can always lift another rep or go another 1/2 mile, but there is a point when you're ready and everything else is icing on the cake.
I currently weight lift 4 days per week, it's an entire body program that increases weight as well as reps; i.e., working with heavier weights for longer periods of time.
I do some type of cardio 4 days per week as well; walking and hiking for the most part, but will start jogging again shortly since good weather is here.
Anyhow......for those of you who have hunted sheep or are preparing to, what is your training regimen? What were you physically capable of doing or what do you want to be able to do when you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look up?