Playing devils advocate - Steve, are you guys willing to take traditional archers on sheep hunts? What is max range you’d allow them to shoot? Should guides be required for Alaska residents who laugh about burning a box of bullets to kill a sheep?
Personally, there ain’t a chance in hell I’d take a 1000 yard shot on a sheep hunt I had $25k into. Especially with the winds in sheep country. I have a hard time knowing what others are capable of though.
Slim to none that ANYBODY can make shots like that reliably with the wind going in all kinds of different directions. Let alone how long it potentially could take to get to that ram if a poor hit. I’m glad there are other hunters who wouldn’t take such an irresponsible shot.
Deep down inside I wrestle with “non resident must be guided” laws here in Alaska. Even though I guide 3-4 sheep hunts a year, I still fundamentally feel it’s not right.
But it’s hard to take that position when there are guys like this op who would advocate doing this kind of stuff. It flat out comes from ignorance so I personally don’t blame him just sad that he puts wild ideas into prospective future sheep hunters that it is common practice which it’s not! The last 6 sheep hunts I guided ranges are: 187, 131, 367, 212, 465, 238
These long range shooters are ALL the same that I have guided. They know it all and can’t be told any different. This op is no different. Did you read through the entire thread. Arrogant, know it all, I’m right is all I got from his question from day one of this thread. Even though he phrased it as a question, it clearly was not.
These guys get into our camps and get a reality check day one. And the ones who brag the most are the poorest marksman.
So no I don’t believe the guy burning through a box of shells shooting at a ram who is a resident needs to have a guide. Personally I hope they spend more time at the range shooting. But seeing non resident think like this op does, I lean towards keeping the status quo in our state of Alaska and they need their hands held because of ignorance.