Shed Hunting Sub?

This thread is pretty hilarious - no love for the shed hunters. Never been much of a shed hunter myself, man I hate ticks.
I used to shed hunt white-tails in WI. Never had any luck. I've picked up a few mulie sheds while out in Montana but that is only finding sheds when I'm actively hunting live deer with the bone still attached to their heads. I have one exception that should bring me out of retirement. When marten trapping this fall I routine saw a pair of bull moose, one of them quite impressive for a Minnesota moose. When I'm confident those have dropped, and depending on snow conditions, I do expect to go searching for those paddles.
You can't go shed hunting til may 1 because the deer are stressed and weakened and vulnerable... but the state can drop 20 woofs on top of them on the winter range.
Curse you, I am bested!

The fun part, I know the buck this came from. One day he had spikes, the next he didn’t, so I took a brief stroll and sure enough…

Found mine on my favorite glassing point over looking the favorite honey hole. Spent hours and hours looking for the other side with out any luck. Might be exaggerating.
I love shed hunting and have been really into it for over 20 years. I do hate how popular it’s become, the crummy ethics some seem to have about it and how a pile of seeming losers with no redeeming qualities have made it a career. Much like others it’s a great excuse for me to explore a bunch of country, learn a lot of spots and animal use, and spend time with my dog. I’ve still got the very first one I found 31 years ago
I used to shed hunt quite a bit, tried my best for every weekend, but last year i didnt go as much. Too many damn people out, pushing animals starting in late Feb/early March. People going into closed areas. Had a spot that we would routinely pull out over 100 lbs of antler, now its being poached early. I will still make a handful of trips this spring but I'm going to start turkey hunting more and honing my golf game again. Its still nice to get the dogs out and explore country.
I was thinking the same thing...why there wasn't a shed forum for those that like to look at antlers and "pickups!" I would second the shed hunting sub!