Shed closure Utah Feb 7th to April 30th

is there really that many elk in that area? honestly, i dont know, not a sarcastic question.

i would think that the pressure would be very comparable for both cases.
If I'm being honest I probably shouldn't have posted that without more knowledge on it. That said, my understanding is that cow elk hunts provide extra opportunity and are used to thin the herds to relieve pressure on the private land owners. The elk have been known to mow through their hay stocks in the winter months. So my logic is that those hunts are designed to kill some animals and put pressure on that specific population and that's a big distinction for me between late season hunts and shed hunting. I could be wrong, but the argument just felt off to me.

I can see the argument that both the hunts and the shed restrictions are being used to help manage the herds. I'm no wildlife biologist, but I do prefer scientists manage the wildlife, not opinions from social media experts. I won't say Utah always listens to the biologists over the money, but I think in this case they are. When you think about it, heavy winter kill this year could effect applications for the next several years, so in this case at at least, the money aligns with the science. When the department figures out how to start making money off of shed hunting things could get interesting.
When the department figures out how to start making money off of shed hunting things could get interesting.
You can bet this is coming. I am a shed hunter and honestly would have no problem paying a "shed hunting license" fee. If the money goes back into the state and to conservation then in my opinion its money well spent.
Ya, I thought the elk hunt comparison was weird anyway. They are using the late cow tags to thin the herds, so I don't see how that pressure is comparable to shed hunting.
It’s a straw man argument for them. It’s a way to play on peoples emotions. It’s like the Instagram dude that put out a 5 minute video that had some very good points but then said something to the affect of this is “like believing a mask would stop Covid.” Covid is not related at all in the slightest but it’s a hot topic and an easy button.
The best part about the majority of the comments is one of two things.
1. How many people that don’t understand what the DWR has authority over. The DWR can’t stop people from hiking, biking, etc.
2. How many think that the moment the snow melts deer are magically going to be fine. It’s deep snow, cold temperatures combined with lack of feed that causes the problem. If the snow melts and feed doesn’t come in, the deer are still ******.

How important is sage to their winter/spring diet? I would assume at least the sage to be available.
Sounds like the problem is actually the internet. I have tons of hobbies that involve getting stuff from nature. I don’t post any of it on the internet. I used to have Instagram and would criticize even normal hunters posting a picture of a normal kill if they have a public profile.
People thinking that the odd hunter moving through and area or hikers moving up the trail is the same as group after group (some with dogs) gridding an area and walking right through safety/comfort areas for winter game are the same need to really sit down and think about it.

Also, it's not like they closed it year round. My god people wait till May and and have at are walking around and picking up antlers it is not like there is a big investment.
The best part about the majority of the comments is one of two things.
1. How many people that don’t understand what the DWR has authority over. The DWR can’t stop people from hiking, biking, etc.
2. How many think that the moment the snow melts deer are magically going to be fine. It’s deep snow, cold temperatures combined with lack of feed that causes the problem. If the snow melts and feed doesn’t come in, the deer are still ******.
Where is this other thread or discussion going on at? I'd like to read it.
The only thing that would make this whole thing more entertaining is if Idaho imposed a shed season on Utah residents to stop them all from driving north to get their shed hunting content
How important is sage to their winter/spring diet? I would assume at least the sage to be available.
Northern Utah even the sage is buried, and more snow on the way

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Northern Utah even the sage is buried, and more snow on the way

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Ya I was just thinking that with all the snow there should be good feed this spring, and before that, there will be sage to feed on once the snow recedes. There ought to be some windblown sage available any time I would think (maybe not enough to sustain larger herds tho).
Utah is issuing a shed closure from February 7th to April 30th. Hopefully this will help the deer even if it’s hard to enforce.

Colorado implemented this same style of closure 5 years ago and I think it has worked well. Montana does it on some areas but then you get the crazy circus on opening day ( if you haven't seen it look at the game ranges spring antler opening on YouTube ) I don't participate it's a mess. I personally would like to see some sort of shed season in all states to help our wintering game especially with the shrinking winter range and pretty much constant recreational interference from the non hunting crowd. We as sportsman should all be a hell of a lot more invested in the health and survival of our most cherished resources. Screw your social networking and influencer BS they can get a job at the damn ski area for the winter and early spring.
Colorado implemented this same style of closure 5 years ago and I think it has worked well. Montana does it on some areas but then you get the crazy circus on opening day ( if you haven't seen it look at the game ranges spring antler opening on YouTube ) I don't participate it's a mess. I personally would like to see some sort of shed season in all states to help our wintering game especially with the shrinking winter range and pretty much constant recreational interference from the non hunting crowd. We as sportsman should all be a hell of a lot more invested in the health and survival of our most cherished resources. Screw your social networking and influencer BS they can get a job at the damn ski area for the winter and early spring.
Not to be a jerk but its not working at all in Colorado. Most sheds are picked up well before season. Dudes packing out at 7am may 1st with loads on their backs. I can only imagine what southern Utah will look like...
I posted a suggestion similar to this on huntwashington forums a few months ago, just seeing how people would feel about a shed hunting season in Washington state (where there are about 11 deer left). You’d have thought I was asking for everybody’s first born child

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Cant catch or police all the trash that wants to cheat. At least they aren't out there in March chasing and pushing them to make em drop take the wins you can get. I definitely see more relaxed elk and deer in their available winter range where I grew up and spend the most time.
Not to be a jerk but its not working at all in Colorado. Most sheds are picked up well before season. Dudes packing out at 7am may 1st with loads on their backs. I can only imagine what southern Utah will look like...
Cant catch or police all the trash that wants to cheat. At least they aren't out there in March chasing and pushing them to make em drop take the wins you can get. I definitely see more relaxed elk and deer in their available winter range where I grew up and spend the most time.
I guess in the grand scheme of things of things yes its working to keep the honest people at home which reduces the crowds. They know and account for the fact that there will be people out there and that they just dont have the resources to enforce existing laws.
Not to be a jerk but its not working at all in Colorado. Most sheds are picked up well before season. Dudes packing out at 7am may 1st with loads on their backs. I can only imagine what southern Utah will look like...
It's not really about the antlers you pick up anyway it's about good game management and preserving the resource