Send back first or okay to sell?

Feb 19, 2021
I have a Savage Model 110 Long Range Hunter in 300 WSM that I bought new in 2019 mostly as a compliment to my late 90s Savage M110 270 Win LH wood šŸŖµ stock rifle. Something that I could use out west with confidence on any of the species from moose šŸ«Ž if I could ever afford to apply and get lucky šŸ€, but most for a possible elk hunt or big mule deer šŸ¦Œ or whitetail hunt in any state where legal, and black bear šŸ» too even though I know that the 270 Win can take them all with the right bullet in the right place. Just something else fun to also load for and try out along with the 270 Win that my Dad bought for me as a teenager.
Anyway I did compromise and go with a right hand rifle even though both my Dad and I are cross dominant shooters. Itā€™s a little bit heavier gun at 8.4 lbs bare which is only maybe a pound heavier than what Iā€™m use to. I did get my first two whitetail bucks in the big woods of West Virginia with it at 25 and 50 yards respectively. That one at 25 yards actually charged at me sitting on the ground back against a tree šŸŒ³ and I freaked out and instead of using my right hand to rack another round in I reached across the rifle with my left hand and thankfully scared the deer to run a different way and die. That incident has stuck with me since.
So that has me thinking that even though I need to train more that I should get a left handed replacement in possibly the same cartridge which is hard to find especially if I want to try something outside of Savage since all three of my rifles are Savage. I also am thinking šŸ¤” either 300 WM which would be easier to find ammo for, although my Dad has a 300 WM and so does one of my brothers, or the 7 PRC (yes I am aware that thereā€™s a huge hype train šŸš‚ behind this cartridge, but I recognize what the cartridge is) or the old 7 RM or 280 AI.
The other reason why I am thinking šŸ¤” about selling the rifle is that it is supposed to have an adjustable muzzle brake that I can turn on or off, but itā€™s stuck in the on position and it has really hurt šŸ˜ž my ears šŸ‘‚ since both of my shots were very close range and I didnā€™t have time to put in ear protection. So I kind of want a rifle that is threaded for an eventual suppressor, and this one is a pain in the butt to spin off. We have even tried multiple tools šŸ› ļø to turn the brake off but no luck šŸ€.
So that is why I am asking if I should send it back to Savage and hopefully šŸ¤žšŸ» they fix it or possibly replace with their Timberline or Ultralight series or rifles in LH 300 WSM since I have the reloading kit for it and factory ammo and maybe sell it or have the barrel cut down and threaded if they just send back my rifle instead of a model replacement. Or if I should skip sending it back to Savage and then sell it and either try to do a Tikka T3X Lite in LH 300 WSM then get it threaded or build my own Tikka or buy the Tikka T3X Wideland or Alpine in 300 Win Mag or wait till the new Bergara B14 Sierra Wilderness in LH 7 PRC or 300 WM comes out.
I am not sure if someone will buy my rifle with the muzzle brake stuck in the on position and near impossible to spin off or if I should send it in to Savage and wait for them to potentially fix it then sell it?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Thats a lot of words and emojis to ask if you should send your rifle to savage to remove a brake or not.

Can you stick an allen wrench or something through 2 ports and twist it off?
Yeah I tend to over explain everything. Sorry.
I believe that my Dad tried that since it use to be at his house before my wife and I moved from an apartment into our own house.
I'm sure others have solutions but I'd probably soak everything on that muzzle in boretech carbon remover for a number of hours and then give it another go if you can get something stuck through it to twist. Next step would be taking it to a gunsmith. Dealing with manufacturer/shipping sounds like more of a PITA.

In relation to the cartridges - it seems like you're doing some mental masturbation and the chance of it mattering are next to zero beyond ammo cost/availability unless you downsize to something you'd shoot more. Like you said, your 270 would do everything. If I didn't have a single rifle now, a 270 would probably be about the biggest id consider buying.
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I'm sure others have solutions but I'd probably soak everything on that muzzle in boretech carbon remover for a number of hours and then give it another go if you can get something stuck through it to twist. Next step would be taking it to a gunsmith. Dealing with manufacturer/shipping sounds like more of a PITA.

In relation to the cartridges - it seems like you're doing some mental masturbation and the chance of it mattering are next to zero beyond ammo cost/availability unless you downsize to something you'd shoot more. Like you said, your 270 would do everything. If I didn't have a single rifle now, a 270 would probably be about the biggest id consider buying.
I could try that again. My Dad and I let it soak in something similar before for hours, but no luck šŸ€. I have thought about taking it to a gunsmith and having it cut off and rethreaded with a thread protector. Then eventually get a brake or suppressor if I kept it.
Haha never heard of it put that way before. Even though the 270 Win usually shoots bullets on the lighter end for elk, I know that I have some 150 grain Partitions and 145 grain ELDX if I had to use the 270 Win for elk.
I am not recoil shy and I like the idea of a bigger cartridge that would anchor a big animal like a mature mule deer, šŸ¦Œ bull elk, or more from a wider variety of scenarios. A two rifle battery is kind of fun to work with.
I have also thought about getting a lighter stock like one from Stockyā€™s for my 270 Win. That wood šŸŖµ one makes that sporter rifle heavier than it otherwise would be.
I could try that again. My Dad and I let it soak in something similar before for hours, but no luck šŸ€. I have thought about taking it to a gunsmith and having it cut off and rethreaded with a thread protector. Then eventually get a brake or suppressor if I kept it.
Haha never heard of it put that way before. Even though the 270 Win usually shoots bullets on the lighter end for elk, I know that I have some 150 grain Partitions and 145 grain ELDX if I had to use the 270 Win for elk.
I am not recoil shy and I like the idea of a bigger cartridge that would anchor a big animal like a mature mule deer, šŸ¦Œ bull elk, or more from a wider variety of scenarios. A two rifle battery is kind of fun to work with.
I have also thought about getting a lighter stock like one from Stockyā€™s for my 270 Win. That wood šŸŖµ one makes that sporter rifle heavier than it otherwise would be.
I got my radial brake off a savage. Wet rag on barrel a few inches down the bore, some heat. Came off with little effort after an Allen wrench through a couple of the holes.
I got my radial brake off a savage. Wet rag on barrel a few inches down the bore, some heat. Came off with little effort after an Allen wrench through a couple of the holes.
I could try that trick. So apply in direct heat to the brake? Correct? Thank you.
Thatā€™s what I did. Torch to the brake, just in front of the threads. Wet towel a couple inches behind the threads. Iā€™m a garage gunsmith so listen to my shitty advice at your own peril. šŸ˜‚
Haha šŸ˜† thanks for the advice and the warning āš ļø
Sell the gun. Buy ammo for your .270 and some ear pro.
I have thought about it. Especially since I live in Ohio now after 40 years in West Virginia. So I do eventually need a straight wall cartridge rifle. I am waiting to see if Henry will make the 360 Buckhammer in their All Weather line. I can use my in line 50 cal muzzleloader or borrow my brotherā€™s 350 Legend until then.
I did get those AXIL G2s that they kept advertising on Instagram but havenā€™t been able to truly test them outside of my muzzleloader.
Thanks everyone for your input and advice. I am hoping that I draw an Utah muzzleloader general deer šŸ¦Œ and limited pronghorn and I wonā€™t need the 300 WSM for this year and I will try to fix the brake and sell it. Then down the road get a lefty rifle for my two rifle battery in either 7mm or 30 cal. I actually want to do a build of sorts unless I can find the ā€œperfectā€ rifle that fits what I want.
I put the muzzle of my barrel in Kroil up past the muzzle brake. I left it at my Dadā€™s and he checked it three days later and safely used two pipe wrenches and it didnā€™t turn. He waited 4 more days and tried again and it had the same result. The ā€œadjustableā€ wonā€™t adjust on or off for me.
I am not sure what to do next. Itā€™s a good shooting rifle so if someone doesnā€™t care to take the brake off for a suppressor or can cut it off and rethread the barrel it would make a good rifle.
I put the muzzle of my barrel in Kroil up past the muzzle brake. I left it at my Dadā€™s and he checked it three days later and safely used two pipe wrenches and it didnā€™t turn. He waited 4 more days and tried again and it had the same result. The ā€œadjustableā€ wonā€™t adjust on or off for me.
I am not sure what to do next. Itā€™s a good shooting rifle so if someone doesnā€™t care to take the brake off for a suppressor or can cut it off and rethread the barrel it would make a good rifle.
It's a savage, re-barrel it. Do some YouTube learn'n and you'll see it doesn't take all that much to do. Little effort and you can make it whatever you want. Be safe.