Sell Pures to keep Noctivids?


Feb 17, 2021
I'm just about to squeeze the trigger on selling my Swaro 10x42 NL Pures ... to keep my Leica Noctivid 10x42s.

Anyone have any last minute reasons why I should reconsider???

Below are my reasons for keeping the Noctivids over the Pures. It's not an in-depth review, just what I've noticed using both. I've had each pair out scouting and harvesting several animals, so this is just what I've noticed from having each binoculars for 2 hunting seasons.

Pros for the Pures
-Field of view is noticeably larger (it might even be too much FOV, for my eyes I can't even scan to the edge of the FOV when they're on a tripod and eyecups all the way down)
-Feel lighter in the hand and on the chest

Pros for the Noctivids
-To me, the image & color contrast is sharper.
-Glare control is much better than the Pures. In the morning/evenings when the sun is right on the horizon the Pures have pretty bad glare compared to the Noctivids ... this is the main reason I prefer the Noctivids

Another vote for the Noctivids.
I think their contrast and color is the best of them all. The only place I feel my NL’s out perform my Noctivids is field of view and a very very tiny bit of edge resolution. Like edge difference is almost unnoticeable.

Keep the Leicas.
Can’t go wrong with Leica’s, Bino’s or RF Bino’s
Been running Leica’s for years.