Sell or not sell

Jun 14, 2020
I recently had an accident and shattered some vertebras in my spine. 2 weeks ago I had the bones removed and titanium installed. It’s going to be a long road to haul according to the doctor. I have a 8 and 9 year old Boy and Girl. They enjoy deer hunting in shooting houses and fair weather duck hunts but I wouldn’t say either are bit by the bug if you will. This brings me to my thought process. Do I sell things like magnum rifles and or 12guage, 10 gauge shotguns, spotters and packs Back packing tents. The doctors not just one say there is no way I’m doing pack in hunts but they love to see me work towards that.
My wife says keep it in case the kids want it and or I get better. I hate watching stuff just sit. As of today money is not an issue so I don’t need the money. I also don’t see my self shooting 3.5” goose loads ever again. I’m just torn on what’s best. Not to ramble more but by the time my kids would use this stuff there probably will be way better stuff who knows.

Last thing surgery went great. Way better than they expected once in there. I hurt like crazy but feel like im light years ahead of where they told me id be on week 2.


Jun 30, 2020
One never knows how's how recovery will end up. Lots of folks get further along than Dr. told them they would. Hold on to the things you may end up using again, and get rid of things you know you will ever use again, unless kids say they want them. I hate letting hunting gear go.


Jun 13, 2017
I recently had an accident and shattered some vertebras in my spine. 2 weeks ago I had the bones removed and titanium installed. It’s going to be a long road to haul according to the doctor. I have a 8 and 9 year old Boy and Girl. They enjoy deer hunting in shooting houses and fair weather duck hunts but I wouldn’t say either are bit by the bug if you will. This brings me to my thought process. Do I sell things like magnum rifles and or 12guage, 10 gauge shotguns, spotters and packs Back packing tents. The doctors not just one say there is no way I’m doing pack in hunts but they love to see me work towards that.
My wife says keep it in case the kids want it and or I get better. I hate watching stuff just sit. As of today money is not an issue so I don’t need the money. I also don’t see my self shooting 3.5” goose loads ever again. I’m just torn on what’s best. Not to ramble more but by the time my kids would use this stuff there probably will be way better stuff who knows.

Last thing surgery went great. Way better than they expected once in there. I hurt like crazy but feel like im light years ahead of where they told me id be on week 2.
I think you should by your dream version of a 3.5 magnum. Set a goal and go get it! Good luck.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Hang onto them and hope for the best.

Lady i know broke her back. Some titanium bone fusion screws and things are on the good end. She has recovered nicely.

Just take it slow, no time to jump to conclusions.


Jan 12, 2021
In David Goggins last book, he wrote about a man who was in a really bad farming accident. The doctors asked him if he was a runner. The man told them he wasn't. Doctors told him that was good since they said he would never run again. On his way home from the hospital, he stopped to buy some running shoes. That's the attitude you need. Don't let them tell you what you can't do until you figure it out for yourself.


Dec 5, 2016
Be smart. You don’t have to destroy your shoulder to hunt ducks. I’ve been using a 20ga for ducks and turkeys for years now. Loads have developed tremendously. I’d sell the 12 gauges regardless…..prayers sent for full recovery and many days in the field!!


Jun 2, 2017
Sell or give away the replaceable items unless they have a special meaning to you. Then work like hell to prove the doctors wrong. Replace with newer or better gear when you get to that point. Good luck.


Dec 8, 2016
New Mexico
I personally wouldn’t sell anything unless I needed the money. If you do sell now I’d put the proceeds in a separate interest bearing account allocated to outdoor items or experiences. If the kids don’t end up pursuing hunting maybe use the funds to take them whitewater rafting/skiing/camping/canoeing or something. If the funds aren’t earmarked they’ll probably get lost in the wash of regular income and expenses.


Aug 21, 2020
Hold on to them until you're finish with physical therapy. Then you can decide whether you still want to sell some.

Go West Old Man

Classified Approved
Sep 30, 2020
I didn’t read all the previous posts yet, but don’t be concerned about this now. Over time you’ll heal, and more importantly you’ll adapt to pretty much continue to be able enjoy the things you have previously. I’m speaking from experience from an accident that I had 42 years ago that forever changed the way I “do” lots of things, but I adapted & for the most part I never considered it as keeping me from enjoying the outdoors pursuits I was accustomed too. Just some words of encouragement, …… well except for those 3.5” magnums which you didn’t need anyway. 😁


Aug 17, 2018
I broke my back, was told that I would probably not be able to walk normally again, cord compressed 80%, emergency fusion.
I am 18 months out from surgery, I do have some set backs and some issues, things like leg numbness and pain, however I can pack, I do shoot heavy hitter guns and I do hike with those issues.

My recommendation is therapy, lose weight if you need to, dedicate yourself to getting better. Don't worry about the small things right now.


May 29, 2019
First of all, I hope you heal well and better than expected.

If I really wanted to do the things that my doctors said I couldn't, most likely I would. If there was something I really enjoyed doing, the doctor said I shouldn't, I would find a way.

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Carpet Capital Shyster

Aug 1, 2020
I recently had an accident and shattered some vertebras in my spine. 2 weeks ago I had the bones removed and titanium installed. It’s going to be a long road to haul according to the doctor. I have a 8 and 9 year old Boy and Girl. They enjoy deer hunting in shooting houses and fair weather duck hunts but I wouldn’t say either are bit by the bug if you will. This brings me to my thought process. Do I sell things like magnum rifles and or 12guage, 10 gauge shotguns, spotters and packs Back packing tents. The doctors not just one say there is no way I’m doing pack in hunts but they love to see me work towards that.
My wife says keep it in case the kids want it and or I get better. I hate watching stuff just sit. As of today money is not an issue so I don’t need the money. I also don’t see my self shooting 3.5” goose loads ever again. I’m just torn on what’s best. Not to ramble more but by the time my kids would use this stuff there probably will be way better stuff who knows.

Last thing surgery went great. Way better than they expected once in there. I hurt like crazy but feel like im light years ahead of where they told me id be on week 2.
Brother, first of all, I am praying for healing and for your family during this difficult time. Since you don’t urgently need the money, I would tell you not to make any rash decisions about parting with any of your rifles or gear until you have had time to heal, rehab and reflect on your situation. Doctors are frequently wrong and honestly, oftentimes they will try to manage expectations by setting them lower. Work towards beating those expectations. I suspect that you probably will and it will happen sooner rather than later. Plus, your kids will definitely want that gear when they get older. A rifle brought home by my grandfather as a war trophy, a Remington 1100 (hs grad present) and a beretta shotgun, all given to me by my favorite uncle, are my favorite sporting possessions in the entire world.