SAR gear ?


Dec 30, 2012
2 times now I have been called by friends and relatives to go and look for overdue family members.
Both times have turned out ok .
Trucks stuck , that type of thing.
I generally grab my hunting pack because its always ready to go.
Add food and water and layers maybe.
It got me to thinking is there extra gear I should add to my hunting pack that is needed if it turns out to be a longer ordeal. They left the truck, or never made it back to the truck from a hike or whatever.
My list....for them
Extra headlamp
Ponch liner and bigger tarp
extra water bottle
this would be a pullout that just gets stuffed in my load shelf.
Any other ideas?
High energy food. Survival blanket. Water. Tourniquets. Israeli bandages. Strapping. Fire starting kit.

Inreach, Spot or other device to call for SAR help.
Tell them to have a personal backup kit in their vehicle that you can grab and bring with as you go looking for them. Should include personal medical items and extra footwear (ya there’s a story behind me saying that).
No idea what your background is but training is more important than gear. A first aid course and a solid first aid kit will go a long way. Benadryl, imodium, aspirin, ibuprofen, caffeine pills, and electrolyte drink additives. Tourniquets, space blankets, heat packs, cold packs, and rope.

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Kinda fancy but leatherman raptors or some sort of trauma shear could be useful. They go through clothes like butter.
Inreach, Spot or other device to call for SAR help.
I don’t know about Spot, but you can’t use an Inreach for another person’s emergency.

You could use your InReach to message one of your contacts and have them contact SAR.
I don’t know about Spot, but you can’t use an Inreach for another person’s emergency.

You could use your InReach to message one of your contacts and have them contact SAR.

Wait, are you saying if I come across a dude with an arrow stuck in his thigh, I can't punch my InReach for him?
But be advised - when you hit that SOS button on your inreach for someone else ( or by mistake) your emergency contacts are automatically notified that you sent an SOS.

I have that Tshirt 😂
I always keep a compass and map of the area in my pack. I have a GPS, but electronics sometimes break and batteries go dead. I also keep some water purification tablets in my pack.

The list of items can go on and on to the point you run out of pack room or get too heavy. At a certain point, you will need to prioritize what gear is essential and what gear is optional based upon the most obvious factors.

You are a good friend/family member, since you immediately answer the call to go out and check when asked, instead of just calling the police/sheriff/ranger. I hope your friends and family appreciate your willingness to help.
I get some grief from F&F as I keep a pack in my truck at all times. Headlamp, emergency blanket, change of clothes (underwear, shirt, pants, socks), layers/rain shell, protein bar, can of campbells soup (I refresh every 6 months), simple first aid kit, whistle, fire starter (multiple), compass, gloves, beanie, water purifying tablets and a life straw, walking stick. They ask, what are you scared of- I say, nothing. :)
A small flashing LED light to stick on top of your rig, maybe a few for your pack. They are cheap. At night these can be a god send walking back to your vehicle. I think they are called balloon lights?