Gear list for a new hunter


Mar 13, 2019
After trying to get my brother to hunt with me these past 3 years he finally agreed to start this year. I am trying to work on a gear list for him to help him get out there and be comfortable but also have a good time. Not trying to wreck his budget but he can afford good gear. What crucial pieces of gear should I recommend for him? Ill probably start him out on 2-3 day/weekend hunts. I have the main gear like the tent, truck, those sorts of bigger item. I am more concerned about his personal gear. He has the bow, bino's, range finder. I told him he will need some good boots, good pack, good hunting clothes, what else would you guys recommend?
Clothes to stay dry and clothes to stay warm. They don’t need to be fancy. Sounds like he’s got everything to get started. A little time in the field and he’ll determine what he wants to invest money into.
Non camo just buy solids. Look at the various brands like outdoor research, black diamond, Eddie Bauer etc you can get good clothes for much cheaper than hunting clothes
I was going to let him figure this one out on his own lol. Its called hunting for a reason and its not for everyone but I do think he wants to provide for his family which should motivate him. I have been helping him with workouts to prepare as well but we still have 9 months till archery season out here.
It should be a lot of fun. Taking someone along for new experiences never gets old.
I would try to get him into a decent layering system and the best boots you can convince him to buy. If he's miserable in the field the rest of it won't matter. Packs are sold regularly in the classifieds. Sounds like the bulk of the rest of it you can walk him through. If you're hunting with him, I imagine you'll have a second knife for him to use, offer guidance on game bags, share a jetboil etc.
You basically covered all the most important gear. Boots, binos, pack, clothes, bow...
I would say his own game bags, knives, trekking poles, hydration bladder, two head lamps, tarp. And of course there's always more gear we need we just don't know sometimes until we see it.
Boots and clothing! Very important for comfort and both can make or break a hunt. I had Irish setter elk trackers one year that destroyed the bottoms of my feet due to the soles being too soft. Loved the boot they were darn comfy but at 30km a day on shale rocks and round rock my feet had enough. Switched to Zamberlan and haven’t looked back. A good knife comes in handy too! I run outdoor edge but the havalons are a bit sharper I will say.
chapstick, blue shop towels for TP, med kit, inreach or equivalent, water filter, fire starter.

I consider all of these must haves.......
Get out in it ahead of time. I love the prep, the scouting, the intricacies of it all. You will figure a lot out with 2-3 day scouting adventures ahead of time. If it' allowed, do it now after the season, it's still cold, you'll find what works and what doesn't.

Buy some moleskin. Buy some good lip balm not chapstick. Buy merino socks doesn't have to be expensive, just 85-90% merino (lighter is fine, use two pair if it's cold, merino wicks sweat, have extra pairs to swap out pairs each day) Get a good hat/beanie -- Get some gloves that work for you in semi and cold weather --- Black Ovis Camo fire has their down mittens on sale right now.
A med kit is a must. The more my kids start tagging along the more I realize I should have had one years ago. And was stupid not to have one.