Pack of bic lighters
I took a Wilderness First Aid course through BSA a few years ago. I think it was a 2-day course. Council camps seem to offer several every summer, I'd bet councils offer them too...This.
And a good wilderness medical training program.
This is close to what I do. I don't like in thw wide open west, but I could live in my truck for a day if needed.I get some grief from F&F as I keep a pack in my truck at all times. Headlamp, emergency blanket, change of clothes (underwear, shirt, pants, socks), layers/rain shell, protein bar, can of campbells soup (I refresh every 6 months), simple first aid kit, whistle, fire starter (multiple), compass, gloves, beanie, water purifying tablets and a life straw, walking stick. They ask, what are you scared of- I say, nothing.