I'll be 56 this hunting season (CA A-Zone and D3-5. We will also do an Idaho Mule Deer hunt this year). I am in reasonable to good shape. My diet is Ok, but I do like treats Trying to make sure I am in good enough shape to not be a significant "weakest link" in backcountry hunts with my son and others (all < 35). 5'9 and 180#. I work at a desk job. Here is my current plan:
My main questions are:
- I run 2x week (in my subdivision at lunch). Right now ~5 miles (3.5 loops), ~ 750 ft, usually about 52-54 min. I am trying to add 1/2 a loop per month (so monotonous)
- I "hike" the same route 1-2x week, with a pack, but 3 mi and 500ft. Right now at 75# in pack. This is about an hour too
- 1/week try to get out to 1 of 2 longer/harder hikes:
- 2mi, 850ft, about 50 min - Essentially a down and back, so it it 850 ft of "up". I have 2 routes for that, one a bit shorter, but steep as all get out (touch the ground in front of you steep)
- 4.5 mi, 1000ft, about 2:20. 1.5 is butt Kicker, remainder is meandering.
- Been trying to ride road bike or mtn as a break for one of the above
- Will weight train once my elbow is back to speed (2x/wk P90X or similar Push/Pull)
My main questions are:
- Is my pack weights too much for training? I don't want to overstress my body. My plan was 65# Feb, 75 Mar, 85 Apr, 95 May, 105 Jun, then A-Zone Archery starts and hunting ... if still Heavy Hiking, then 115 Jul, and hold at 115 (for the hikes I mentioned above).
- Are my lengths long enough, or should I go longer, even if slower?
- Any material changes that might serve me better for my goal?