Ruby's Nevada

Travis, I think that there is only one other late archery hunt for NR in unit 201-206. Even with eight points as a NR, a rifle trophy unit can be hard to draw
There are aeveral other late hunts in Western NV. Basically hunting CA bucks on winter range.
IMO the draw statistics will mean very little, especially this year. No one is mentioning 2011 when they cut the tags by 25%. The problem with Nevada is that they don't come out with the tag quotas until after the application deadline. It will be interesting to see what they do this year. Ed F
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In talking with some of the NDOW guys, it doesn't sound like much will change for 2013- or at least they didn't seem to think so from what they've been hearing.
I've heard that every year... The past two years have been drastic swings both ways. I'd rather see them reduce the tags, even if that means I won't draw a tag. We'll just have to wait and see... Ed F
In talking with some of the NDOW guys, it doesn't sound like much will change for 2013- or at least they didn't seem to think so from what they've been hearing.

I spoke with a buddy of mine who is a biologist with NDOW and he is excited about what is coming in the future. They got rid of the Director just the other day and supposedly have some good candidates. He mentioned the possibility of limited entry units in NV that will be managed for trophy animals. Something they have been throwing around for a while. It wont be in 2013 but could be as soon as 2014.

It could all be hear say, but the change up top is a good thing. tag numbers are most likely to go back to appropriate numbers.
I spoke with a buddy of mine who is a biologist with NDOW and he is excited about what is coming in the future. They got rid of the Director just the other day and supposedly have some good candidates. He mentioned the possibility of limited entry units in NV that will be managed for trophy animals. Something they have been throwing around for a while. It wont be in 2013 but could be as soon as 2014.

It could all be hear say, but the change up top is a good thing. tag numbers are most likely to go back to appropriate numbers.
Hope your buddy is right I wish CA could get a overhaul in the dfg mucky mucks
For those that have been up there during early archery hunt do you recommend an enclosed tent or would a tarp work? What are the bugs like? Temps at night?

Thanks for all of the information and tips.
Depends how close to water you are. Seems like the bugs are hit and miss where I camp. I always bring unscented deet.

Rain is normal that time of the year. I prefer floored shelter when hinting the rubies.
Hunted area 10 the past 5 out of 7 years. Had really bad bugs one year, rain another, and bad lightening storms last year. I recommend a 3 season tent. Very,very rugged. Not for the faint of heart to get up and hunt where the bucks are hanging out. Like Ed F said, a 160" buck is very high end here. Lots of funky genes, 4x2, 4x3,2x3, and very few trophy 4x4. Really fun hunt, epic backpacking adventure, I know I will be going to try for 6 for 8 this year!
That's great info. I am really looking forward to drawing this tag and hunting the area. I am not in it for a trophy, but more for the experience. I don't plan on pushing hard, but I do plan on enjoying the time I get to spend up there. Don't get me wrong, I will certainly enjoy seeing animals and having the opportunity, but it should be a great time no matter what.
I'm planning on the hunt as well. I'm still confused about the draw odds, though. Accordng to the website, in 2012 there were 88 successful nonresidents and 68 unsuccessful. How could there be leftover tags for nonresidents if 68 didn't even draw. Am I reading the infor correctly?
In the first draw there were only 88 non resident tags. The leftovers came from resident tags that were not purchased / drawn.
The second draw puts any of the resident tags up for grab for all to draw. After the second draw, if there are tags left over, they will be available to purchase OTC if your area has tags left over.
For those that have been up there during early archery hunt do you recommend an enclosed tent or would a tarp work? What are the bugs like? Temps at night?

Thanks for all of the information and tips.

We always get the 1600 rain storm. My one buddy last year wanted to be the lighted guy on the hill and went with a tarp. Down pore hit and his bag got soaked. He slept next to a fire that night while his bag was still a sponge. Just go with a light weight tent, and bring the foot print.
I have hunted 10 for quite a few years. Never during bow season though. One year I hunted muzzleloader and found 2 good bucks up high and numerous little guys in the bottom of the canyons. Also had a serious snow storm blow in right in the middle of the day. You can usually see multiple bucks as long as your willing to get off the roads. The Rubies may not have the biggest horns but its some of the most beautiful country anywhere. I've watched beavers in their pond, shot chukar in the sage and during the aforementioned snow storm had a raptor of some sort hovering maybe 20 yards above me while i ate my lunch. An amazing place.