
I'm shooting a rokstok at 14.5 LOP(I'm 6'7"). Even the short people that have shot it ( @Mountain_Life haha) seem to prefer it over no spacers. On the other hand I could shoot it without LOP spacers but found it to be very uncomfortable.
I'm 5'6". I started shooting my Rokstok without any spacers last spring, but after using @kopmantrey Rokstok with 14.5" LOP, I ordered a spacer kit. After some testing, 14" LOP seems about right for me. That's with a SWFA 3-15 in UM medium rings. It is definitely gonna be different for everyone but if I was ordering another stock it would be with a spacer kit.
I would also be interested in knowing if I could add spacers myself or if I need to send in. My stock has Philips heads.
Just replace with longer Phillips number 10 screws. You’ll just need to grind or file off the “line up tab” in one of the spacers for flush fit.
Here’s my post showing the difference in adding spacers to standard 13.5” stocks and removing or adding spacers to stocks that came with spacers from UM…

Post in thread 'RokStok'

For those wanting to do it themselves, it works fine, but is not as solid as adding the t nuts and longer screws. I’d recommend globing your screws with epoxy and being very careful when installing as to not strip out.

I made the suggestion to make all of them “spacer ready” from the factory at least 6-8 months ago so it’s great to see that all rokstoks will come that way in the future.
Here’s my post showing the difference in adding spacers to standard 13.5” stocks and removing or adding spacers to stocks that came with spacers from UM…

Post in thread 'RokStok'

For those wanting to do it themselves, it works fine, but is not as solid as adding the t nuts and longer screws. I’d recommend globing your screws with epoxy and being very careful when installing as to not strip out.

I made the suggestion to make all of them “spacer ready” from the factory at least 6-8 months ago so it’s great to see that all rokstoks will come that way in the future.
I know a while back while you were waiting on spacers you ended up using a larger limb saver pad. Do you happen to know the model for that pad and how much it added to the LOP?
I know a while back while you were waiting on spacers you ended up using a larger limb saver pad. Do you happen to know the model for that pad and how much it added to the LOP?
I only ever used that on the Stockys VGs. I linked it here before but it have to search for it when I’m back home.
I assume getting the longer length of pull without the spacers is not possible unless they make new molds? I guess you could do a thicker recoil pad too.
For me using 1 spacer for 13.75 Lop is about right wearing late season hunting clothes. 2 spacers for 14” Lop with t-shirt works. 14” felt better prone but 13.75 felt more versatile in more shooting positions. Could use either or effectively. I think UM has the right idea with now making 1 spacer standard. My suggestion is they add 1 or 2 more as well with each stock for those on the fence. They’re just pieces of plastic…
Being to lazy to look through everything for the millionth time. For the wood Rokstok will they inlet for any action you send in? I’ve got a browning abolt 2 my first rifle in 30-06 that just shoots amazing and it’s worthy of an upgrade.
Shot my Rokstock for the first time today, really happy with how it shoots with 300 wsm but… took the stock off to clean the bore and now something impedes bolt travel to where I can’t close the bolt.

I’ve remounting the stock about a dozen times, trying to make sure I have the lug seated properly.

First time I installed the stock a couple days ago I had no issues with the bolt and shot it today.

Bolt operation is normal without the rear action screw, which makes me think it’s a lug issue but I haven’t touched the lug and it seems very tight. Ideas?


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Shot my Rokstock for the first time today, really happy with how it shoots with 300 wsm but… took the stock off to clean the bore and now something impedes bolt travel to where I can’t close the bolt.

I’ve remounting the stock about a dozen times, trying to make sure I have the lug seated properly.

First time I installed the stock a couple days ago I had no issues with the bolt and shot it today.

Bolt operation is normal without the rear action screw, which makes me think it’s a lug issue but I haven’t touched the lug and it seems very tight. Ideas?
Is your action screw too long, protruding and hitting your bolt?
Shot my Rokstock for the first time today, really happy with how it shoots with 300 wsm but… took the stock off to clean the bore and now something impedes bolt travel to where I can’t close the bolt.

I’ve remounting the stock about a dozen times, trying to make sure I have the lug seated properly.

First time I installed the stock a couple days ago I had no issues with the bolt and shot it today.

Bolt operation is normal without the rear action screw, which makes me think it’s a lug issue but I haven’t touched the lug and it seems very tight. Ideas?
If you’re tightening to 65in lbs try 60 or 55. I had that happen to me. The back screw is touching your bolt. Mine stopped at 55 if I remember right.
It looks like it’s the rear action screw protruding slightly, which is strange since it was fine before. Torqued to 65 in/lbs.

I was so focused on the lug and front action screw and didn’t think to check the rear screw itself.

I’ve never had this issue before, should I use a spacer/washer on the stock bottom metal or shorten the screw by a .5 or 1 thread?
It looks like it’s the rear action screw protruding slightly, which is strange since it was fine before. Torqued to 65 in/lbs.

I was so focused on the lug and front action screw and didn’t think to check the rear screw itself.

I’ve never had this issue before, should I use a spacer/washer on the stock bottom metal or shorten the screw by a .5 or 1 thread?
Try a spacer washer under the bottom metal/plastic, if it sits well, then go with that, if not, then take a file to the screw.
Accidentally switch screws?
Did ya swap the screws bud?


I thought the same, but the long screw goes in the back. (99% certain, I'm not pulling a gun apart to get that last 1%, but I did look at a barreled action out of the stock with bottom plastic and screws).

I'm also pretty sure the short screw is too short to even engage the threads if you swap them (I remember it being pretty obvious when I have put them in the wrong spot in the past).