My Tikka .260 (near identical to 6.5CM) has the recoil mitigated enough that it is actually noticeable.In your experience was the felt recoil / spotting hits significantly improved?
600 rounds through the gun now with the Rokstock from various “uncomfortable” hunting positions and I can confidently say that shooting factory 129 grain hornady SSTs and 143 ELDXs feels more like shooting mine and my wife’s .243 Tikkas shooting 108 ELDMs.
Longest kill of the day on Saturday was this Jack rabbit who caught a 129 SST at 726 yards shooting off a backpack, molinator on top of pack, small rear UM bag as rear rest. My buddy had missed high and pierced both his ears with his .223 and he ran 400 yards before stopping and then getting the .260 treatment.
I was easily able to spot the hit, watch the rabbit flip over backwards, and watch the legs twitch for a few seconds.