
You and your crew in the casts make it clear you are function over form. Everyone knows that about you and it shows. No biggie, nothing to excited about. Some buyers though, majority, want a quality that matches a good design. You got good design, or so many have confirmed and I’m sure I would too.

Sako would work in that nice wood stock. Easy to see the quality from those north of border or no easy access to drive over and fondle one. Sako no question the quality there. Stocky’s lots of question there. The carbon looks the same to me, the thread talks about it a lot, my experience with same looking carbon, cheap thin hollow, poor finished all over, the seem work, pad fitment and execution the pad itself Mattel. Then you handle Sako carbon and it’s meticulous, can’t find fault and it’s like billet, everywhere, barrel channel, everywhere and feels like solid wood, not crap seems and shitty fitments and I’ll fitting pads. And it should be like that for the price of the Sako...great. Not even fair to compare them, the pics don’t even lie, look the barrel channels, it’s still Stocky’s. To say they even come close to the Sako is far fetched by all the pics here so far.

Your brain doesn’t work this way, you only care about function. You couldn’t fathom the factory stocky ‘quality’’s like quality isn’t a word in your brain. As long as it shoot well. You won’t answer the questions about design of Sako improved over design of Tikka as I have em both identical loads and the higher negative comb is better design and the lighter gun does shoot much easier than the didn’t notice that? Why not? Cant say anything positive about something other than the rokstok? Cant see the quality of factory Tikka stock way better than the howa Stocky’s? Yes or no?

You steer conversation only where you want it to go. Quality is a foreign word to you as you see it as only function related. Materials fit and finish feel other intangibles like sound etc.

There’s a different between articulating the same thing as already shown in 40” pages and my own experiences and someone who’s ears were shut at the start and can only talk about the main menu item. It’s all right here.

The funny thing is I’m not even asking for Sako quality carbon as that would be a couple thousand dollar touch. All I did was point out the guy taking about downgrading to Stocky’s from Sako on carbon would be regret.

I’m down for the Stocky’s if they can come finished properly and things won’t peel apart on them. Budget fits if that’s the case. Hasn’t been my experience and it’s backed up plenty in 400 pages so as I said, hope these things come out the box with a smile inducing effect in quality as in fit and finish not a wtf is this and get ready to paint it yourself and trim the recoil pad etc.

Tikka is worth a higher level of attention to detail and quality. At least try and match the quality level of the factory Tikka stock. My howa, any howa, isnot Tikka level quality so I accepted the match that I got lol. I would not accept what I got for my howa on my Tikka. The factory Tikka stock is twice the quality of the Stocky’s I got, which isn’t even above the factory hogue. Looks like were nearly there though. Will watch the next batches to arrive.

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At least try and match the quality level of the factory Tikka stock.
Dude, what do you mean by the quality of a factory Tikka stock? They’re ridgid, but that’s the only pro. The factory stocks are simply a low comb sporter mass production polymer stock. I have a Stocky’s VG. It’s perfectly fine, and much easier to shoot than a factory stock.
..not much easier to shoot well than a factory Tikka.
You haven’t shot with anything like a Rokstok, so you wouldn’t know. How do I know this? I haven’t seen a single stock with a close design to the Rokstok. Are there other negative comb stocks? Of course there are, but not like this one.
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Not sure why I feel the need to jump into this fire, but I do agree with @Stinky Coyote on the fit/finish of the Rokstok. It has a distinctive “diy” sort of finish to it compared to the factory stocks on either a Tikka or Sako, which have a flawless production finish. Maybe a Cerokote would change my mind on that, but I got bare carbon and there is definitely some flaws.

The design of the Rokstok is head and shoulders above either though. Shooting it is clear evidence of that.
@Stinky Coyote you can always go this route if you don't want a stockys product.
oh I thought I read the wood guy couldn't keep up, that's good news, especially for the guy who wants an inlet for a sako 90, that price would reflect an equivalent level of quality to whatever you'd pull off the sako, reality not enough 90 guys will create the demand to likely inlet anything for a 90, that would get my attention though

that is all I was getting at, there's a articulable difference for the sako guy of what has been shown vs basically a cnc milled billet carbon stock without any imperfection and real rubber recoil pad that fits as perfectly etc. to a $500 dollar product...which absolutely is perfect for a tikka if it comes ready to go

so maybe the easy question is has there been a statistical sample size of 30 or more rokstoks come steady now without the issues in quality, fit/finish etc.? ;)

if so then that will be a great option for my tikka, and one of the top 2 reason I'm back here actually, the other was interest in the maven rs6 and you guys had hands on that puppy first so, can't blame me for being gun-shy after my experience and reading the full thread to see others experience....that is all...are we statistically sound now on the $500 product and no qc lottery? because the tikka is better than the pos howa by 100x imo so its definitely worthy of some quality on top of the design

and just to be clear, love what the s2h guys and form and rokslide are doing for this whole game, good stuff, super fun getting back up to speed and has me shooting steady now and spending money again but been burned plenty so a little cautious, while waiting for the ice to get thick enough to get the trailer out there for rest of the winter weekends
so maybe the easy question is has there been a statistical sample size of 30 or more rokstoks come steady now without the issues in quality, fit/finish etc.?
IF you were to have an issue, Stocky’s will bend over backwards to make it right. They’re good people over there
You haven’t shot with anything like a Rokstok, so you wouldn’t know. How do I know this? I haven’t seen a single stock with a close design to the Rokstok. Are there other negative comb stocks? Of course there are, but not like this one.
I agree, I've tried to be clear, hopefully above post makes more clear? I actually have interest in this stock for my tikka but there's my first stocky's experience and 400 pages of verification...and it appears people at um and stocky's care to up the one weak area, the attention to detail, fit/finish final product quality so there's no lottery for a guy has to buy on spec from a long way away. I don't want something that is downgrade in quality to what came on the tikka to begin with...equal would be fine, equal would be maybe worth $100 more to me! The design is not the question, I'm keenly interested in trying one.

The sub argument was for the guy who asked about a $500 product for a sako 90...and it's a no go, there's more to having one of those than pure function, it's a quality thing. Match the gun...I had no intention of arguing about design...just quality.

Now I'm gonna email my neighbour in bc Mdt and see if they have plans to offer some chassis stuff with this type of design as I've never had their stuff come in the mail and leave me disappointed. That's an easy button for me and a known, have several lss gens in-house and we've done well behind them for the watch it happen so I learned the fun of that quite awhile back, doesn't fill more tags but we don't get to shoot enough animals as it is, it's just more fulfilling watching it happen and hitting them more than once lol.

So if we're up to sound same product quality stock to stock and up to tikka snuff on the rokstok then I'll prolly have one. All good, I was content to keep watching for it without asking anyone that. I can just follow the thread and watch the batches come and see how people respond and go from there.
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Not sure why I feel the need to jump into this fire, but I do agree with @Stinky Coyote on the fit/finish of the Rokstok. It has a distinctive “diy” sort of finish to it compared to the factory stocks on either a Tikka or Sako, which have a flawless production finish. Maybe a Cerokote would change my mind on that, but I got bare carbon and there is definitely some flaws.

The design of the Rokstok is head and shoulders above either though. Shooting it is clear evidence of that.

Design is great. Quality so far has been inconsistent and prototype-level. That is true. Not an issue for those of us with a moderate level of aftermarket stock fitment experience and sand paper, but not reliably drop in ready as advertised. Hopefully they get better.

My two Stockys VG stocks were much better fit out of the box compared to my Rokstock.

Another one of his points is that the large majority of us hunters kill fine with stock rifles and don't need the incremental benefits of better ergos. I probably agree with that also as time training and shooting would benefit most more than gear. Pretty sure form could outshoot me with a Mossberg Patriot in 300WM versus me with a Gunwerks Nexus in 223...

However, the coyote guys rants are a bit lengthy.
I’m still trying to figure out what you mean by the quality of the factory stock? Sure it fits good, but it’s just a plain polymer sporter stock. From shooting experience, the VG is far above
IF you were to have an issue, Stocky’s will bend over backwards to make it right. They’re good people over there
I gather this, glad to see American manufacturing getting back into the game with care, I'm not into going back and forth though, I'm a long ways from Florida.
Design is great. Quality so far has been inconsistent and prototype-level. That is true. Not an issue for those of us with a moderate level of aftermarket stock fitment experience and sand paper, but not reliably drop in ready as advertised. Hopefully they get better.

My two Stockys VG stocks were much better fit out of the box compared to my Rokstock.

Another one of his points is that the large majority of us hunters kill fine with stock rifles and don't need the incremental benefits of better ergos. I probably agree with that also as time training and shooting would benefit most more than gear. Pretty sure form could outshoot me with a Mossberg Patriot in 300WM versus me with a Gunwerks Nexus in 223...

However, the coyote guys rants are a bit lengthy.
thank you and my desire is to thoroughly enjoy watching the few critters a year I shoot get shot and get shot more than once lol, got 3 into my moose with the 90 peak 308 no brake no can pretty quick and that was great and saw more than I would have with the tikka, first one was done deal, I catch a thousand fish a year, but the game I shoot is much less so want to maximize that view shed and enjoyment, and on the sako I just need to wait until we're the 51st state so I can suppress and get that cake also by watching it happen as it's close, at this stage in life I want sako quality and I want to chuck 168's from a slow ass 308...I enjoy that sh1t, the sako would be fine with a tbac 5 and so I patiently wait, got the hard part done by getting that rifle, it's threaded and ready and killing awesome so far

in the meantime I can set the tikka up also, back/loaner/my two boys etc. this will not be my primary ride, the 90 is and will remain so until I ship to the next life
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If you’re not wanting to chance Stocky’s, why not order a Peak 44 Bastion for your Tikka? From what I’ve read on here, the finish is superb.
Dude, what do you mean by the quality of a factory Tikka stock? They’re ridgid, but that’s the only pro. The factory stocks are simply a low comb sporter mass production polymer stock. I have a Stocky’s VG. It’s perfectly fine, and much easier to shoot than a factory stock.
yes, I'd likely prefer that construction over the carbon, it's the design I want, I would take the quality/fit/finish of a ruger American stock in that design, or the tikka material fit/finish/quality in that stock design...better fitting and rubber on recoil pad, and no abortions in finish/fit....I'd take the weight to have a more factory level of qc/fit/finish/quality...that's all, watching to see if this carbon gets there, looks like it might be there or awful close if not
If you’re not wanting to chance Stocky’s, why not order a Peak 44 Bastion for your Tikka? From what I’ve read on here, the finish is superb.
well problem is I like the tikka stock, feels awesome to me, love vertical grip and I shoot it well, it's just a little kicky, it was eye opening shooting it against the lighter 90 peak and then seeing the difference in the unless I can make jump to this more radical of the same type of 'design' to try it out without spending sako level money as I've already gone part way there on the design by spending sako money, but at least matching a more factory consistency level of what comes of the box to match the tikka at it's level....then that's all I'm watching for