
Curious what you’re hoping to glean from this? You can give UM your money for rem, howa, savage, etc rokstoks right now. Have any of them ever been made? Seems like a “pre-order”.
Thanks for asking. I'm aware I can place a pre-order currently. I'm trying to glean this: (question in reference to UM saying 'future stocks will not have any preorders')
does 'future stocks' here refer to inlets currently on the UM website that require the 15 ea orders to procure a mold? (I.e. M70 long/short, Savage, Howa, T1x)
Since they aren't in production yet, and molds aren't procured yet (I think), my brain jumped to classifying M70/Savage/Howa/T1X/etc. as 'future stocks', maybe? Not sure, so I thought I'd ask.
I have a Tikka Rokstok, there are molds for them, and they are in production, so in my mind do not count as 'future stocks' (obviously).

It takes time to change/update stuff on the website, so maybe UM's response on here came prior to pulling the pre-order options down or changing their description on the website (they are busy folks with several irons in the fire, ya know?)

I've been rallying for interested folks to pre-order M70 Rokstok to get production going. Last checked had 30 stocks 'voted for'. With all the hub-bub lately it would seem the 'wind has been taken out of those sails' a bit, based on lack of feedback in that thread and UM site indicating 1/30 has ordered so far.
Hope I'm wrong, it's prob just people have better shit to do/waiting to see how things turn out/the excitement has temporarily waned.

In summary: I figured I would ask in a place, where interested people can see the answer, so I know if UM intends to shift gears to sell them like a normal stock item. If the pre-order is still going to be the way for those stocks, that's cool too, I'll pony up the money and wait. Generally though, people seem to respond more positively (i.e. more stocks pre-ordered) when they have a sense that the quota will be met sometime soonish and have a rough sense of lead time (even if it's longer) so I'm trying to help that along. Not saying I agree with that philosophy/reaction amongst consumers, but it does seem to exist.
It showed up early because someone mistakenly put orange in the paint gun and they knew you would be only person who would want the stock the way it ended up. 😀
My gun definitely doesn't have orange on it! I just picked the flattest single color that came to mind (some version of gray). It's so flat that my face and hands used to leave shiny smears on it before it got dirty. Perfect
If bare carbon is the issue, I'd be cool with picking a single color. I'm not picky. I picked plain carbon because I thought it would be easier to produce. If it's not, paint it.

Would probably piss some people off but maybe just paint them all black?

Maybe there should be another group other than the "10%ers" for folks that haven't called or emailed? "Easy goers"? "Patient ones"?
I'm a 10%er
If bare carbon is the issue, I'd be cool with picking a single color. I'm not picky. I picked plain carbon because I thought it would be easier to produce. If it's not, paint it.

Would probably piss some people off but maybe just paint them all black?

Maybe there should be another group other than the "10%ers" for folks that haven't called or emailed? "Easy goers"? "Patient ones"?

I understand some folks desire perfection in the "look" of the carbon. If that's important to them, I have no argument against it.

That said, for me, I could care less about surface/look imperfections. I ordered bare carbon to make it a simple order, not for the look. As long as the stock is structurally sound, imperfections in the color, finish, or look are nothing to me. In the worst case, shot coat of alumahyde covers a multitude of finish sins.

I'm anxious to put one to use, but I've no complaint on the time. I'm sorry Stocky's and UM are having to exert the time/effort but I'm thankful they're willing to. My thanks to them for bringing it to market.
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If bare carbon is the issue, I'd be cool with picking a single color. I'm not picky. I picked plain carbon because I thought it would be easier to produce. If it's not, paint it.

Would probably piss some people off but maybe just paint them all black?

Maybe there should be another group other than the "10%ers" for folks that haven't called or emailed? "Easy goers"? "Patient ones"?
Yeah, the LE green was a poor choice for me, I just wanted a stock as fast as possible so figured that would be a good way with no cerakoting, I literally don’t care about color

Hindsight, I thought the LE green were going to ship first. Now I may have 3 days off at most until archery season, then into rifle season, time is not on my side for shooting it much once I get it until winter

At least my anticipation is gone, and I don’t feel like I should check emails daily anymore, I know UM didn’t plan it this way, especially with the confidence on fast delivery before presale, but shit happens
Thanks for the update, and for informing us about the new knob and handle option. I had missed that but am buying one.
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The updates are appreciated! Much better than the misc rumors that get posted lol.

LE green ordered here also as I thought they’d be first and I was trying to get the stock before a move.

I sold my old stock already so hopefully it shows up before my September hunt.

LE green looks cool in the pics I’ve seen but if it gets canned I’d be fine switching to bare carbon or cerakote. Especially if I can get it before I move. Only have 2-3 weeks left of being able to shoot at home and would love to take advantage of it.

Hopefully there’s a better feel for timeline after the visit this weekend but whatever happens just keep us updated please I’m still looking forward to mine 👍
The updates are appreciated! Much better than the misc rumors that get posted lol.

LE green ordered here also as I thought they’d be first and I was trying to get the stock before a move.

I sold my old stock already so hopefully it shows up before my September hunt.

LE green looks cool in the pics I’ve seen but if it gets canned I’d be fine switching to bare carbon or cerakote. Especially if I can get it before I move. Only have 2-3 weeks left of being able to shoot at home and would love to take advantage of it.

Hopefully there’s a better feel for timeline after the visit this weekend but whatever happens just keep us updated please I’m still looking forward to mine 👍
I would also be fine for them to cerakote the LE green to cover up the blems, I don’t care about it looking flawless, if it works well and doesn’t break, make mine ugly, I would rather have it to shoot than look perfect
As someone that is in a sales industry that is accustomed to high secondary markets, i’m confused as to why no one is trying to offload the delivered stocks for a premium on the marketplace? I’d imagine many people, myself included, would pay a 50% markup to have a stock in a weeks time. Are they THAT good?
As someone that is in a sales industry that is accustomed to high secondary markets, i’m confused as to why no one is trying to offload the delivered stocks for a premium on the marketplace? I’d imagine many people, myself included, would pay a 50% markup to have a stock in a weeks time. Are they THAT good?
Because once you put a lot of rounds through one and then go back to other lightweight hunting stocks, it feels like running in sand.
As someone that is in a sales industry that is accustomed to high secondary markets, i’m confused as to why no one is trying to offload the delivered stocks for a premium on the marketplace? I’d imagine many people, myself included, would pay a 50% markup to have a stock in a weeks time. Are they THAT good?
Make me an offer...
I’ll sell mine for 1100$ shipped, you cover fees… have it in the mail ASAP. Shot about 4 shots. Ace #3 RH tikka. Coyote/OD/Black with the tear pattern. Arca/Pic rail. Don’t expect anyone will take it, but I really won’t need it this year. :cry:
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Ferrulewax, if it was r700 platform, we’d be having a conversation. I think many impatient people would as well. Surprising observation that they haven’t hit a secondary market.
I’ll sell mine for 1100$ shipped, you cover fees… have it in the mail ASAP. Shot about 4 shots. Ace #3 RH tikka. Coyote/OD/Black with the tear pattern. Arca/Pic rail. Don’t expect anyone will take it, but I really won’t need it this year. :cry:
Same, I can buy 2 and I'm patient ha
Ferrulewax, if it was r700 platform, we’d be having a conversation. I think many impatient people would as well. Surprising observation that they haven’t hit a secondary market.
Mine is also the wrong platform. I've said I will sell my bare carbon with spartan/pic for the price of two ($1100). This is only because I want two and will immediately order two more if someone took me up on it. I have more time than money right now. Double would serve a purpose, and is high enough I don't think anyone will pay it. People used to try and buy my 1st gen Tacoma, I found it was easier to ask a ridiculous price than to say no.

But, yes, they are that good and those of use who have them are not looking to let them go.
Mine is also the wrong platform. I've said I will sell my bare carbon with spartan/pic for the price of two ($1100). This is only because I want two and will immediately order two more if someone took me up on it. I have more time than money right now. Double would serve a purpose, and is high enough I don't think anyone will pay it. People used to try and buy my 1st gen Tacoma, I found it was easier to ask a ridiculous price than to say no.

But, yes, they are that good and those of use who have them are not looking to let them go.
the wait times for late adopters create a predicament. It’s either pay a premium and have it in time to practice or expect to have it available next year.
Thanks for asking. I'm aware I can place a pre-order currently. I'm trying to glean this: (question in reference to UM saying 'future stocks will not have any preorders')

Since they aren't in production yet, and molds aren't procured yet (I think), my brain jumped to classifying M70/Savage/Howa/T1X/etc. as 'future stocks', maybe? Not sure, so I thought I'd ask.
I have a Tikka Rokstok, there are molds for them, and they are in production, so in my mind do not count as 'future stocks' (obviously).

It takes time to change/update stuff on the website, so maybe UM's response on here came prior to pulling the pre-order options down or changing their description on the website (they are busy folks with several irons in the fire, ya know?)

I've been rallying for interested folks to pre-order M70 Rokstok to get production going. Last checked had 30 stocks 'voted for'. With all the hub-bub lately it would seem the 'wind has been taken out of those sails' a bit, based on lack of feedback in that thread and UM site indicating 1/30 has ordered so far.
Hope I'm wrong, it's prob just people have better shit to do/waiting to see how things turn out/the excitement has temporarily waned.

In summary: I figured I would ask in a place, where interested people can see the answer, so I know if UM intends to shift gears to sell them like a normal stock item. If the pre-order is still going to be the way for those stocks, that's cool too, I'll pony up the money and wait. Generally though, people seem to respond more positively (i.e. more stocks pre-ordered) when they have a sense that the quota will be met sometime soonish and have a rough sense of lead time (even if it's longer) so I'm trying to help that along. Not saying I agree with that philosophy/reaction amongst consumers, but it does seem to exist.

I planned on ordering m70 stock, have been waiting on my tikka Rokstok to make sure I don't hate it.

Against my better judgement, might just order m70 and see what I get, if anything.