Return of the a Achilles tendinitis

Im with you PT guys. PT is where its at. I have stopped using the BPC 157 and TB500, I can't say if it helped or not. After using it i definitely did no have any pain in my Achilles-or i should say any discomfort was reduced by almost 90%. I got myself a stationary bike and started riding in the morning. going on two weeks now. No BPC injections and the pain is still gone, i feel like i am starting to heal albeit slowly. More updates to come
Im with you PT guys. PT is where its at. I have stopped using the BPC 157 and TB500, I can't say if it helped or not. After using it i definitely did no have any pain in my Achilles-or i should say any discomfort was reduced by almost 90%. I got myself a stationary bike and started riding in the morning. going on two weeks now. No BPC injections and the pain is still gone, i feel like i am starting to heal albeit slowly. More updates to come

My doctor won't sign off on PT. He told me I am not doing the stretches well enough. Off to find another Doctor to see if he will sign off so I can go to PT.

I will be stopped by the Mtn Physio booth at Western Hunt expo and picking his brain. I see he has a new app launching so maybe that will be worth investing in.
*UPDATE* Hey Rokslide achilles homies. I am going on 5 months now with this. I have given up on BPC 157. I'm not saying it isnt effective, but finding a legit vendor is a gamble, and in the mean time who know what you will be injecting into your body. When you order BPC 157 peptide there will be a warning on it *not for human use* so you use whatever it is at your own risk. I did nasal spray, BPC 157 + TB500 for a month, and it dried out my sinuses to the point where i had to stop. I switched over to injecting subcutaneous at the site of injury. Did this for 4 weeks with no improvement.

I should explain, the pain did go away. Whether it was from the BPC or from 3 months of not running, I can't say. The rupture is still visible.

I spent two weeks (after giving up on BPC) massaging my Achilles before bed with a mix of Volteran and Arnica gel. I don't know if its the compound or the massage that helped, but it helped the rupture physically shrink. While does massage, i would have days where my achilles pain came back. so I stopped doing the massage.

I should preface that I did eccentric heel drops for 3 weeks before starting BPC with absolutely zero improvement, it actually hurt me more to walk around.

Here it is now nearly 5 months out- i took up cycling, I run maybe once a month for short 5 mile runs. But cycling every few days on a stationary bike, and ive seen the biggest improvement. The tendon rupture is much smaller (still there however) and pain is 2-3 out of ten maybe one or two days every 14 days.

Things I havent tried that I am curious of is standing calf contractions. There literature that says these are ineffective but I have found that whats prescribed to the masses doesnt always work which is why there are anecdotal support for alterantive treatments.
I started wearing 0 drop shoes (altras) which in the running community is an absolute no-no if you have achilles injuries. I tried all the high drop, rocker, non rocker, shoes prescribed by the doctors of running and they all hurt me more in the long run. walking around in Altras and barefoot I have found to really be beneficial at very least to the amount of pain I feel. I posted this on reddit on a few injury and shoe geek forums, and the reply i got is "everyones different" what doesnt work for the masses might work for you.

Ive read rest doesnt help the achilles injuries, but I have been relatively inactive this past month, working more and having less time to exercise, and my achilles is feeling better and better. The combination of the zero drop shoes, more time barefoot, and rest, with an occasional day of hard excercise seems to be working the best. I can physically see the rupture getting smaller.

I hope this helps some of you guys. This is a super shitty injury to have. I hope all of you guys find something or some path to help you get to where you want to be. I am still dealing with this injury but i have more hope than ever that it will heal.