Retiring in a politically moderate community

I’m envious of your flexible living situation. Hope to be there some day.

I live in IL, and I think it brings out the worst in people because politically and financially there is real risk of losing a decent piece of what you have in each election cycle.

I’d look at a state/locality that is pretty consistent politically so citizens feel secure and don’t get as fired up. Iowa is one of those states that comes to mind, they seem to be pretty even-keeled.

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Being free to move wherever we want, with no strings attached is nice. But it's also a little frustrating! LOL

Our plan is to spend the next 6 years looking around. Should be fun anyway.
How about you just dont seek out political conversations especially with random people? So much more to life than political leanings. Vote how you vote and live the life you want. Who gives a hoot. What do you do about family that have different views? Can anyone be an individual or do we all have to pick some bs political leaning.

Was this post moderate?
Certainly. That's actually what this thread is about - finding a place where you are free to be an individual.
I love the boise area, it's pretty chill compared to the dumpster fire of pdx that I moved out of.

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Montrose Colorado Would be my vote in Colorado but better hurry it seems everyone wants to leave big cities these days and are just buying up houses in places with fewer than 100k

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Carbondale/Marion area. Pretty nice area to live tbh. 400K ac. of National forest and lots of small fishing lakes. Best deer and turkey hunting I'll probably ever have enjoyed. Very convenient place to live too.

I grew up in Centralia, taught high school in Benton for a few years, then opened a small brewery for a few years near Murphysboro.

I truly miss southern Illinois. There's a little bit of everyone. There's people on each end of the extreme but they generally all accept each other. Shawnee NF is a gem.... It's as if 4 different biomes merge down there. I've even found prickly pear cactus growing in the forest. Land is cheap, the catfish and bass are big, and the humidity will make a person tough. I've lost my tolerance of heat by living in Utah for 4.5 years!

The very unfortunate part is the poverty and the state's lack of financial management. Owing the teacher's retirement system billions of dollars and not paying it back is just unacceptable.
I grew up in Centralia, taught high school in Benton for a few years, then opened a small brewery for a few years near Murphysboro.

I truly miss southern Illinois. There's a little bit of everyone. There's people on each end of the extreme but they generally all accept each other. Shawnee NF is a gem.... It's as if 4 different biomes merge down there. I've even found prickly pear cactus growing in the forest. Land is cheap, the catfish and bass are big, and the humidity will make a person tough. I've lost my tolerance of heat by living in Utah for 4.5 years!

The very unfortunate part is the poverty and the state's lack of financial management. Owing the teacher's retirement system billions of dollars and not paying it back is just unacceptable.

I went to college at SIU, fun area, but the summer is brutal.
The very unfortunate part is the poverty and the state's lack of financial management. Owing the teacher's retirement system billions of dollars and not paying it back is just unacceptable.
Yep, and in spite of the quaint qualities, this is why Illinois is screwed. Very unfortunate, but the liberals have run these states into the ground with their public sector unions for 40 years now.
And now they are whining about Trump not bailing them out with stimulus $. F*ck 'em I say. Live with dogs get up with fleas.
Ill's Govenor is an insect, damn shame.
Is there anyplace left today that you'd consider retiring to that is politically moderate?

My wife and I are both sick of all the partisan politics, and can't really stand being surrounded by people on either extreme.

Probably the most politically moderate place I've ever lived was southern Illinois, and we'd consider going back, but we'd rather be closer to our son in Colorado.

We're pretty quiet "keep to ourselves" types, and don't feel any desire to fly political flags. That's not to say we don't follow politics, but she and I are both very independent moderates. We'd love to find a place where, if we did discuss politics, it wouldn't turn into a shouting match.
You may be interested in Horseshoe Bay, TX. We have people from all over the states that moved here to retire. I y’all to a ton of people and few are radically one side of the spectrum.
Yep, and in spite of the quaint qualities, this is why Illinois is screwed. Very unfortunate, but the liberals have run these states into the ground with their public sector unions for 40 years now.
And now they are whining about Trump not bailing them out with stimulus $. F*ck 'em I say. Live with dogs get up with fleas.
Ill's Govenor is an insect, damn shame.

I don't know the last time Illinois DIDNT have a governor that wasn't an insect! 4 of the recent ones have done prison time!!! That's just insane.
Not to hijack the thread, but how about Salmon, ID? My wife and I are considering moving there from Utah in 5 or 6 years. I've been there a few times, but not enough to figure out the general climate of the community's politics.
Folks sticking their head in the sand on politics is the root cause of why we are losing hunting rights, gun rights, etc.

I hate politics as much as the next guy...but you have to stand up for what is right and make your voice heard by voting and contributing to the organizations that are trying to set things right.

If you don't, The PETA's and the Soros's of the world that spend many millions working against us will prevail- hint, we are seeing it now.
