Retiring in a politically moderate community


Jun 12, 2019
Are you saying the people of NE WY are moderates?

Depends on what you deem as a moderate and what you personally think "right wing extremists" are? They basically want to be left alone and don't give a rats ass what other people personally do just don't try to dictate how they live. From my observation lately their is a lot more moderate people on the right than on the left. But in today's day and age if you simply vote Republican you are a right wing extremist so...


Jun 12, 2019
What about someone who ever voted for a Democrat, and is labeled "a liberal." Same diff.

eh...not really the same thing. At least in my vocabulary and how we use liberal is not even close to being called a Right Wing Extremist. You went from one guy on here saying they are extremely conservative and saying they don't tolerate liberals (and you not obviously not spending a lot of time there) labeling them right wing extremists.

My family has rancher friends (basically family) and have spent considerable time in NE WY. They are far from extremists. What they don't tolerate like a lot of western towns are out of state (especially the west coast) people coming in and trying to turn it into where they just left. If you are looking for a place to keep to your self, hunt some beautiful country, and live without a lot of restrictions WY and SD would be great choices.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
eh...not really the same thing. At least in my vocabulary and how we use liberal is not even close to being called a Right Wing Extremist. You went from one guy on here saying they are extremely conservative and saying they don't tolerate liberals (and you not obviously not spending a lot of time there) labeling them right wing extremists.

My family has rancher friends (basically family) and have spent considerable time in NE WY. They are far from extremists. What they don't tolerate like a lot of western towns are out of state (especially the west coast) people coming in and trying to turn it into where they just left. If you are looking for a place to keep to your self, hunt some beautiful country, and live without a lot of restrictions WY and SD would be great choices.
So you're saying that is a politically moderate part of the country. Because that's what the question was.


Dec 11, 2017
I mean that is like finding a unicorn to be honest. Someone mentioned Whitefish, MT and being moderate.... Whitefish is by faaaaarrr the most liberal place in flathead county as it is the number one place for transplants from the West coast. I agree with others in my opinion Wyoming is honestly one of the last places in the country that they really don't care as long as you aren't in Teton County. You looking to retire, Wyoming has no state income tax or estate tax and their property tax is basically non existent the way it is calculated. Unfortunately, politics has become this thing that defines a persons life, instead of something that they either agree or disagree on. I doubt you will ever get doxxed living in Wyoming and yes there are compromises. Sheridan is a cool place in Wy, and some other areas. I really depends on what you can tolerate. If your wife want's trees, just plant some, you want to be away from BS politics? Wyoming is literally the last stronghold if you want to just be left alone and not let politics dictate your life. I feel for people who have lived in Wyoming a long time, they are some mentally hard people. Alaska too, sure you could find somewhere to not have to deal with it.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
Who couldn't see this coming mile away. Classic.
-Ask question
-Recieve answers
-Disagree with answers
-Argue about answer with people who graciously just provided answer to question asked.

Did you know of a community that you would consider politically moderate, or did you just stop by to throw rocks?
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2019
So you're saying that is a politically moderate part of the country. Because that's what the question was.
In the term of it won't be thrown in your face out of nowhere and besides going into it know it is very conservative leaning ...yes., IMO you will be treated as you treat others politics aside.
Jul 17, 2017
Folks just wanting to be left alone and leave others alone, sounds pretty moderate and tolerant to me. I never really understand why politically some folks just want to take things away from others.
Example: I don’t like semi auto rifles.... they should be illegal.
I don’t like people hunting predators... that should be illegal.
I don’t like spring bear hunting... that should be illegal.


Mar 4, 2013
Did you know of a community that you would consider politically moderate, or did you just stop by to throw rocks?

Sorry I do not. I already corrected the gentleman from SD that suggested Buffalo/Sheridan is moderate. You're welcome btw.
Then based on your response to that I suggested you might not really fit in here. You're welcome btw.

Funny story I was in both Sheridan and Buffalo today and I attended our daily pro- beer, nationalist, nazi, assault rifle, white people, shaved head, confederate flag, TRUMP, lifted truck... Anti- LBGQTLRBLAHPY, womens rights, communism, mask, minority, poor people, rich people, purple people....march (riot😈). I'm pretty tired now after all that and should go to bed, before I get banned.

PS I did manage to loot 2 pairs of Wranglers, a garden hose and 2 muck buckets from Shiptons so it was a great day.


Apr 25, 2020
Black Hills of South Dakota.
Piedmont is a nice town...a prime example of small town America. Hot Springs is a banana belt. We don't much care about all of the political crap. We seldom even watch the news. I think there are quite a few western states where a person could live on an acreage near a small village and be quite happy. It all depends on what your personal priorities are I suppose.
Mar 24, 2019
Are you on Facebook by chance? If so, I'd recommend getting off of it ASAP, and then everyone's politics will be way less in your face. I recently started avoiding Facebook and it's the best thing I've done for my sanity in a loooong time. As far as retiring, maybe Boise, Idaho? I have a lot of good friends there who are pretty moderate. I think Boise would be considered a blue city in a red state but it ends up being a nice melting pot. Love it there. It's getting more expensive though. Good luck in your search!


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
I've never met or even seen a 'right wing extremist.' It has to be the biggest fraud term ever conceived, and we know who came up with it too, it was BIll and HIll's gang, James Carvill, George Stephanopolis and Terry McCauliff. That isn't partisan speculation, it's fact.
Many of the people that get labelled as such are simply folks that believe in civil liberties and the Constitution.
Nowadays, we're all labeled as racists for the same reasons.

Good luck with your search, with your expectations and preconcieved notions, you may need it.


May 20, 2020
I have lived all over, first military then relocating for jobs. My favorite is GJ, CO. People are there for the outdoor activities and other than the influx during early spring, it’s a pretty quiet town.

We live outside of Kansas City now. I thought I would hate the mid-west but ended up really liking it. Close enough to the mountains to make it in a day drive (or a really easy flight to DIA).

Mid-west values are a thing. Work hard, enjoy life. Let others do what they want as long as they don’t shove whatever it is down my throat.

As I type this I am sitting at a great lodge having coffee overlooking a lake, waiting to shoot the state sporting clays championships. Not a bad morning :)