Reticle calculator Apps


Jun 13, 2014
Does anyone have a recommendation for an app that will calculate yardages for a particular reticle with specific loads?

I used to use Strelok, and it worked perfectly for me. It had a crazy amount of reticles from different manufacturers in it. I specifically use Meopta BDC reticles and SB mil dot reticles.

Has any app filled this void since Strelok was banned?
You are looking for an app the shows a photo of the reticle showing the exact yardage that corresponds to each mark on the reticle?
Is your mildot s&b a ffp scope? Any ballistics solver will spit out a dope card for you so you can see what yardage corresponds to 1, 2, 3, etc mils. If you know the subtensions for your bdc reticle you can also do same for different reticles. But neither is visual the way strelok was.
Applied ballistics has a reticle tab, but it doesnt show reticle holds that I can see—possibly a setting I have turned off. To me its easier to just use the actual hold (ex. 3.2 mils) and just dial 3.2 or hold 3.2 mils on my reticle. Bdc reticles dont work as well for that, which is partly why I dont care for them.
You are looking for an app the shows a photo of the reticle showing the exact yardage that corresponds to each mark on the reticle?

Yeah, exactly. With Strelok I was able to spit out a chart like this, then field verify. It was very idiot friendly, which is what I prefer. I'm much more of a hunter than a shooter.

I just downloaded the app and it looks like it has all the reticles I need. Ten bucks well spent. Thank you for the suggestion!
I hated to pay, but i like it better than strelok. Not saying it’s as accurate or better, but i like the features