Best reticles

Nightforce MOAR, SWFA milquad
I had MOAR in SFP before I went to Shoot2Hunt and really liked it. After class I switched it to FFP Mil-C and don't like it as much. I like to shoot at 4x or 6x and I have to be up around 10X to use the reticle as it was intended. The .2 mil marks make it look like a fuzzball on illumination and low power. Maybe switching to Mil-R would be satisfactory on FFP.

I picked up a SWFA 3-15 for S2H class and really like the milquad.

I am training with SHR-MIL right now for a moose hunt. I picked up the scope merely for curiousity. I really like that I can use the reticle at 6x. I don't understand why they put the low hash marks on it. On my rifle the vertical line at the 7.5 mil hash mark would cover around 16" at 910 yards and the 10mil hash mark would cover around 18" of the target at 1090 yards.
I prefer MIL, and Nightforce. My two primary scopes are a FFP MIL-R and a SFP MIL-R. Not the most popular reticle option I gather, but nice for me to standardize on one reticle. I have learned to use them well.
We had sunset here at 7:32PM and I just shot 3 rounds around 815...1 at 200 yards and 2 at 100 yards and that illuminated reticle on Rs1.2 is bleeding even at Level 1 to the point of distraction.

Big nod to Nightforce on this aspect.
The deployment operations nominal gunsight: reticle or DONG-R is pretty good. It’s got the infinite tip aiming where you focus your POA just resting on the tip. And for spotting you use the lower section which your eyes will relax into and enjoy as the two circles seem like binos.

But for real, next reticle I want to try will be a simple stadia with no Christmas tree and only like two mils above center on elevation. Like the MPCT1x on ZCO.
Gen 2 mildot or milquad for hunting/nrl hunter.

For prs, you can benefit from a tree, but usually get along without it. I've shot so many rounds in prs that I mostly use the same scope to hunt. I will say, for strictly hunting I much prefer the gen 2 mil dot.
No secret with this one but Nightforce standard MOAR reticle is probably my favorite design. I could go without all the holdover MOA values because I dial for all my shots but other than that it’s very clean and easy to use for holding for wind.
For a hunting scope in SFP, the Leupold wind hold duplex is perfect.

In FFP, I want something similar, but much thicker crosshair lines getting closer to the middle for effective use on low magnification. Then switching to thinner lines for use when zoomed in. No elevation stadia at all. And wind holds for up to around 5MOA or 2 MILS. No more.
For a hunting scope in SFP, the Leupold wind hold duplex is perfect.

In FFP, I want something similar, but much thicker crosshair lines getting closer to the middle for effective use on low magnification. Then switching to thinner lines for use when zoomed in. No elevation stadia at all. And wind holds for up to around 5MOA or 2 MILS. No more.
Your post got me to thinkin', which usually bears no fruit, but in this case it did. :)

HERE is a link showing the different retciles Leupold offers with a good explaination for each.

NF MOAR i prefer 2nd focal plane. I only range targets at max any ways have first as well. Both have there place rifle wise…Mil, moa same stuff… i think in inches when seeing objects, quicker for i.
Mil-R seems to be my go to at this point.
The black stadia on FFP scopes seems to be better than a Mil-C or Mil-XT at this point but I’ll probably be adding one of those mainly because Mil-R isn’t available in an NX8
Anything in the MIL-R, MIL hash, or MIL Quad style are fine with me. I have used several tree style reticles and they are fine when I have time to think, but aren't my friend while hunting. Illumination is nice, but I almost never use it. If I can't use the reticle in low light without it, that scope doesn't go on my hunting rifle.

90% of the time I am not even using the hash marks beyond holding for wind. I usually only use a hold over or under hash for my follow up shot when I know, or think I know, the correction.
