How well does a laser (not saying he did have a laser sight, but maybe)show at 40 yards? In a bright lit mall vs a dimly lit mall? Enough to make out?
Trigger control is another matter, not pulling shots and having clarity of action. Agree totally good work not most are capable of.
However, the reasoning behind the "great shooting" and the actual great shooting are secondary to the argument that "A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun". That honestly is where it should end when it comes to any arguments about restricting rights or talking about 2A stuff.
We can blabber all day about what a good shot it was, how unlikely any of us are to repeat it, etc, etc...its all pointless, because in the end, it DID happen and the bad guy was stopped.
Wouldn't have mattered if the bad guy was never even hit, if the threat was neutralized, the good guy with the gun did the job needed.