Responsible Gun Owner Kills Mall Shooter

At some point in the US we will need to start dealing with young marginalized "men". I put men in parenthesis because in reality most of these shooters are just beyond being a boy in age but still well stuck in the adolescent mental maturity.

How many mass shootings do we need to see by this population group to realize it is a real problem that needs dealt with?
I fear we're far too woke AND protective of people's rights to do anything about it.
A lot of those type of signs are intended to give the property owner plausible deniability in case of a lawsuit. “Not my fault everybody got all shot up… I said don’t bring no guns! “. The same is often true up no trespassing signs. “Not my fault you rode your ATV at 100 mph into the Quarry, you were trespassing!”
I fear we're far too woke AND protective of people's rights to do anything about it.

It need not be a government solution. IMO, lots of the reasons problems are still problems is because we look to the government to solve them. I certainly believe that I should do more myself, get involved with young people, help out, give back, etc. WE have the power to move the needle ourselves.
It seems that any solution would require at least some government involvement, given how much their economic, infrastructural, domestic and foreign policies contribute to the problem.
All I can say about the armed citizen is Thank God for people with balls. We need many more of them.

In Kansas a no gun sign means nothing unless they have armed security and metal detectors at every entrance. You do need to leave if asked or you can be trespassed. The city/county likes to put up no open carry signs...but this is a liberal area, unfortunately.

Missouri was an any no gun sign is the law state last time I checked but that was a while ago.
I can’t hit the side of a barn from 20 yards with my pistols so how is this guy so accurate at 40 yards under the most intense circumstances!? He’s a true hero.
Just running some data thru gundata, a 9mm 147gr HP +P with zero at 7 yards and sight height at 0, shows a drop at 50 yards of only 2.5 inches. That isn't bad at all. Just point and pull the trigger and hope you hit something.
^ totally agree. And I do not know the amount of people behind the shooter or anything to worry about accidental hits. If he was just up against a wall it would be a different feeling for sure.

I wasn't trying to say what he did was easy, but I was just surprised by the drop, or lack of (perspective) from the 9mm round. I expected more. Good to know you don't really need to compensate as I would have thought.
The liberals came out and stated we shouldn't call a 22-year-old male illegally carrying a gun a "Good Samaritan" even though he saved countless lives! They would rather more innocent people get killed to push their gun control agenda - I for the life of me just don't understand how a group of people can twist everything so ass backwards!
I certainly get the argument that the OG Good Samaritan didn't kill someone. But he also didn't put his life at risk doing his good deed.
Amazing feat by this citizen, unquestionably a real hero that saved who knows how many lives.

The good guy with a gun scenario is extremely rare unfortunately. What percentage of folks carrying are capable of that kind of shooting without collateral damage. Hell even plenty of LEO’s probably aren’t (dare i say a majority?) It is not a valid rationale to argue against stricter regulations over young males legally acquiring guns.
How well does a laser (not saying he did have a laser sight, but maybe)show at 40 yards? In a bright lit mall vs a dimly lit mall? Enough to make out?
Trigger control is another matter, not pulling shots and having clarity of action. Agree totally good work not most are capable of.

However, the reasoning behind the "great shooting" and the actual great shooting are secondary to the argument that "A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun". That honestly is where it should end when it comes to any arguments about restricting rights or talking about 2A stuff.

We can blabber all day about what a good shot it was, how unlikely any of us are to repeat it, etc, etc...its all pointless, because in the end, it DID happen and the bad guy was stopped.

Wouldn't have mattered if the bad guy was never even hit, if the threat was neutralized, the good guy with the gun did the job needed.
Amazing feat by this citizen, unquestionably a real hero that saved who knows how many lives.

The good guy with a gun scenario is extremely rare unfortunately. What percentage of folks carrying are capable of that kind of shooting without collateral damage. Hell even plenty of LEO’s probably aren’t (dare i say a majority?) It is not a valid rationale to argue against stricter regulations over young males legally acquiring guns.
I am not clear what you are saying by the last sentence. Are you suggesting the actions (of the good guy) are not a valid argument against more strict regulations?

This statement suggests you want more strict regs on young males and their ability to acquire guns.

Is that what you are saying?

And your data on the good guys saving lives being rare is just not accurate. Over 2.5M crimes are prevented by a gun (most of the time never fired), and over 400,000 lives are saved by guns every year. If you don't believe that data, the CDC under Obama did a study after Sandy Hook that said over 3M crimes are prevented by guns annually. Do some research next time you spout off false info.