Responsible Gun Owner Kills Mall Shooter

CNN and Huff Post both had headlines about it.
CNN's first headline on the situation was "Shooting In Indiana Mall Leaves Three People Killed: Report". In the article the first commentary about the armed bystander who stopped the killing is at the end of the second paragraph - and conspicuously absent from the headline. CNN may have published additional articles on the situation since and the armed bystander may have been in the headlines, but it was buried in the first article which is the one most people will read. That's my point.
Just running some data thru gundata, a 9mm 147gr HP +P with zero at 7 yards and sight height at 0, shows a drop at 50 yards of only 2.5 inches. That isn't bad at all. Just point and pull the trigger and hope you hit something.
While we are on the topics of headlines, this from yesterday - "Denver police injure 5 bystanders while shooting man who allegedly pointed gun at officers". And the perp lived.

Amazing feat by this citizen, unquestionably a real hero that saved who knows how many lives.

The good guy with a gun scenario is extremely rare unfortunately. What percentage of folks carrying are capable of that kind of shooting without collateral damage. Hell even plenty of LEO’s probably aren’t (dare i say a majority?) It is not a valid rationale to argue against stricter regulations over young males legally acquiring guns.
The scenario is rare because most "mass shootings" occur either in the home (domestic violence) or liberal s-holes, so intervention isn't really possible. Those "stats" shouldn't ever be used to dissuade someone from carrying where legal. Also, concealed means concealed.
CNN's first headline on the situation was "Shooting In Indiana Mall Leaves Three People Killed: Report". In the article the first commentary about the armed bystander who stopped the killing is at the end of the second paragraph - and conspicuously absent from the headline. CNN may have published additional articles on the situation since and the armed bystander may have been in the headlines, but it was buried in the first article which is the one most people will read. That's my point.
If people only skim the very top level, they aren't reading a comprehensive in depth article.

They had an article about the "good guy with a gun" the same day.
Here is an article on isolation and what it does to brain function. I read one the other day that was better but can not find it now. Basically isolation over time can increase rage and other issues by altering hormone production. Not to factor in Social Media, current world issues, video games etc.

Kudos to the young man. I applaud his senses of duty and protection to his fellow citizens. It appears this young mass shooter , assumed , that because the Mall had a no gun restriction that , like at most schools and churches, he figured he could, like other POS shooters, wonder aimlessly along the halls shooting unarmed citizens.
Carry all the time everywhere you are.”Home Invasions” happen at home. I can’t tell you how often my friends, family and coworkers all give me that look when it looks like trouble and say “ you are good right”?. I always respond with yes but that responsibility shouldn’t just fall upon my shoulders. One always prays that situation never occurs but in todays society one unfortunately needs to be prepared. We should all watch to see if Simon Malls goes after this young man or not. Might need to start a Nationwide “Gofundme” to pay his attorney fees!
In WI if it’s posted no guns then the business is liable for the results and compensation.

40 yards is pretty damn good trigger control. Stars aligned for sure.
If people only skim the very top level, they aren't reading a comprehensive in depth article.

They had an article about the "good guy with a gun" the same day.
Some people only read the headlines. Many of those who read the leading articles on a given topic/situation don't read the follow-on articles or corrections/retractions. I think you are missing the context.
Definitely. You don't land 8 lucky shots.
Ya, that's some really good shooting. I'm actually interested in his background regarding firearms competency, because, at least with a pistol it's far greater than mine... or most people period.

I'd also not get into a gun fight carrying a pistol against a rifle.
Ya, that's some really good shooting. I'm actually interested in his background regarding firearms competency, because, at least with a pistol it's far greater than mine... or most people period.

I'd also not get into a gun fight carrying a pistol against a rifle.

In this CNN article, it says that his grandfather taught him how to shoot. It appears he has no military or LE background. Guy is a bona fide hero.

His grandfather taught him how to shoot. That likely says something about the young man's upbringing, and likely his character. He obviously had strong male influences in his life growing up.

There is a go fund me for his legal expenses.
Some people only read the headlines. Many of those who read the leading articles on a given topic/situation don't read the follow-on articles or corrections/retractions. I think you are missing the context.
Both of the "left wing" media outlets I referenced had an entire article about it, directly under the main article.

And both main articles mentioned that it was another patron with a gun.

Uninformed people will be uninformed, and others will allude to statistics that don't exist.
Why is that, because you say so? There's a Hopkins study out that says otherwise. Are you aware of something to the contrary? If so, I'd like to check it out.

That's not exactly how this works. If you want to make a broad statements, the onus is on you to back it up, not the other way around.

You know of a John Hopkin study that states 1) mass shooting statistics generally include incidents of familicide and 2) gun control policies in liberal s*** holes (your words) have some positive correlation with mass shooting events? I'd be interested to see that, if so.
That's not exactly how this works. If you want to make a broad statements, the onus is on you to back it up, not the other way around.

You know of a John Hopkin study that states 1) mass shooting statistics generally include incidents of familicide and 2) gun control policies in liberal s*** holes (your words) have some positive correlation with mass shooting events? I'd be interested to see that, if so.

Here's the study:

Maybe I should try stating another way my liberal s-hole comment to be more clear for you. I was speaking to the likelihood of an armed citizen intervening. Let's use an example of the liberal utopia of California. They lead the nation in mass shootings yet policies prevent/deter citizens from carrying or even owning firearm, thus intervention is fat less likely.
Same for Chicago, Houston, Philly, DC (all the places democrats have ran for the last 50 years). To just say that its rare for a citizen to stop a mass shooting is disingenuous when the policies in the places where such a high number occur make it illegal to do so.